4 thoughts on “Too Much Time On Their Hands”

  1. So, is there a blog somewhere that touts people that are

    “Bitchier than Hillary?” (that would be a short list)
    “Closer to reality than Hillary” (a long list)
    “More associates investigated for corruption than Hillary?” (another short list)

    or maybe
    “Blacker than BHO?” (that would be a long list)
    “More elitist than BHO?” (very short)
    “More clueless than BHO?” (probably shouldn’t waste time on this one)

  2. Great to see someone starting early on the “soo oooold” meme as it gets boring quickly (of course there will be exceptions, it’s a safe bet certain people will be repeating the meme all the way to 2012).

  3. Not hardly.

    The web site opens with:

    “John McCain was born on August 29th, 1936. His father was born in 1911 and his mother was born in 1912. If elected, he would be the oldest person to ever hold that office.”

    Now, grammar and logic — not to mention arithmetic — are probably not those youngsters’ strong points, but allow me to point out that Ronald Reagan was the “oldest person to ever hold [sic] that office”. Reagan was about two week’s shy of his 78th birthday when he left office on January 20th, 1989.

    So I put together the list of men who were the oldest persons ever to hold the office of President on the day they left office. The list is [excluding Washington]

    John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson
    James Madison
    James Monroe
    Andrew Jackson
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Ronald Reagan

    By way of comparison, I also computed the list of men who were the youngest ever to hold the Presidency, on the day they took office. That list is [again excluding Washington]

    Martin Van Buren
    John Tyler
    James K. Polk
    Franklin Pierce
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Theodore Roosevelt

    With the possible exception of Teddy, I would take the oldsters over the youngsters. Any day.


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