7 thoughts on “Could It Get Any Better?”

  1. If Thompson was “too late” when he got in, how can Nader be OK now? The left, ultra-left, bunny hugging left is a loony place.

  2. If Thompson was “too late” when he got in, how can Nader be OK now?

    Because Thompson was running as a Republican. Nader would presumeably be running as an independent so he has no need to compete in the Primaries.

  3. Oh, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you….

    Anything to dilute the demoncrat vote.

  4. Nader is incredibly unlikely to get many votes that matter in any state that matters. If the state is at all in play every Democrat need only remember 2000. People who might vote for Nader in Florida in 2008 are probably too far left to vote for a Democrat at all. Their choices are Nader or stay home, which makes them politically irrelevant.

    We still hope that Bloomberg runs though. He’s got the money and the clout to hand McCain the Whitehouse on a silver platter.

  5. Energy Independence Now!

    No more Oil Wars!

    Stop funding the terrorists!

    Drill in Anwar.

    Build more nuclear power plants

    Use More coal.

    Use more natural gas

    Turn trash into energy

    Double the efficiency of windmills and solar cells.

    If France can do nuclear power so can we.

    If Brazil can do biomass/ethanol power so can we.

    If Australia can do LNG power so can we.

    Domestically produced energy will end recession and spur the economy.

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