Part-Way Through

I’ve done an upgrade, but there are some issues, as you can see. There are no comments.

I don’t think that the comments have been lost, and my data bases are backed up, but I may have to tinker with templates to get things working again.

[Update a while later]

OK, I’ve got the templates to display the comment field, but it’s still not showing the comments. As I said, I’m sure I haven’t lost them, and I can reupload them if necessary, but I may not get them viewable until tomorrow. And I’m only halfway through the upgrade (it’s a two-step process to get from MT 2.66 to MT 4.0). You can comment if you want, but it won’t show up until I fix this problem, whatever it is.

[Update a minute later]

OK, I know the comments exist, because I can see them from my control panel for each post. I just have to figure out what type of incantations I have to perform to make them actually display on the blog.

[Morning update]

I’ve decided that, if I have to rework templates and debug anyway, I might as well go all the way to the 4.0 upgrade first, to spare myself potentially having to do it twice. Hopefully I’ll be through this fresh hell sometime today.

8 thoughts on “Part-Way Through”

  1. This is a test post, after commenting out “div comments-open” in the Comments Form module so that the form would display. Also, I’ve overridden the “ifcommentsactive” in the Comments module.

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