12 thoughts on “The Myth Of DST”

  1. Just pick one time basis and stick to it. It’s the switching that bothers me. As I get older I find it much more difficult to get back on track: My dogs absolutely HATE it.

  2. Agreed….change it tomorrow and let that be the last change. But if you changed it today that wouldn’t bother me all that much.

  3. This is one of those 80/20 issues Trump has been putting himself on the 80 side. Eliminating DST would be hugely popular. Make this the last time change.

  4. “Leave it so it stays light longer in the evening, it helps me hike after work.”
    So the poor folks get to get up and go to work in the dark. Great.
    Lots of folks like to get up and go for a walk in the early morning. This was found in Perth, Western Australia during a DST trial. The beachfront coffee vendors were annoyed at the loss of morning business, as were the early walkers.

    1. All of this, especially for those who experience winter.

      I feel like most of the proponents of year round DST live on the Eastern most end of their respective time zones, or don’t live in places where summer and winter have significant differences in daylight.

      Can’t imagine being in North Dakota in January and waiting until almost 9 AM for the sun to rise…

      Full disclosure, I’m about 1/3 of the way from the eastern end of our time zone, and far enough north that winter exists.

  5. My internal clock must have a cell connection. My alarm is set for 5 AM on work days, 6 AM on non work days. Almost all non work days I wake up just before my alarm goes off at 6 AM… and it was no different this morning, even though 6 AM this morning was actually 5 AM. Somehow, my brain knew. I’ve never been bother by the twice a year time changes, it’s only an hour either way and I can adapt easily.

  6. I don’t mind a one hour time change. Between working rotating shift work for six years (perpetual jet lag) and international travel, adjusting to time shifts isn’t a big deal. What sucks is winter on standard time when it gets dark before 5 PM. Yes, I live near the eastern side of the central time zone boundary.

  7. For those of us who are natural night owls, DST is misery. I already struggle with mornings, and having to get up an hour earlier makes it even worse. And no, my body doesn’t adjust. It knows what time it is from natural cues. Permanent DST would turn life into a sentence to be endured.

  8. Why don’t we just split it? That would be a very Trumpy thing to do too. The rest of the world can get used to it or not – whatever.
    Call it SUSATb. Standard USA Time bitches.

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