5 thoughts on “The Democrats’ Dominance, and Collapse”

  1. Voters across almost all demographics rejected the “progressive” stances.
    …become their undoing.
    …ridiculous edifice came crashing down.
    …Americans hate them.

    And they selected their 2024 candidate rather than allowing it to occur normally via a convention. And selected the worst and most ridiculous candidate in at least a hundred years.

    And yet they got 73 million votes and came within 2 percent of winning the election.

    Using words like “collapsed” is idiotic. This country, while recognizably improving currently, is still well and truly f*cked.

    1. It is similar to when Obama was elected and everyone said the GOP was dead and would never win another election. Thankfully, Trump didn’t succumb to post victory complacency. That could be Musk’s influence, the same display of drive knowing time is limited and pasts fast.

    2. “Using words like “collapsed” is idiotic. This country, while recognizably improving currently, is still well and truly f*cked.”

      Democrats win elections not because by and large the masses of the people like/love wokeism, defund the police, DEI etc; they (Democratic voters) are by and large indifferent to that. They win because of largely imbedded voters. An example that comes to mind being Public service workers unions at the federal/state/local level. They seem to be automatic largely democrat voters. Teachers/office workers/ (some) police and fire vote largely democratic because the leadership has convinced them that the Republicans will dismantle said public service workers’ unions if they get in power. Single mothers worried about losing their social safety nets, minorities (especially female and older) think they are voting for the modern equivalent of the 60’s civil rights movement and against “jim-crow”.

  2. When I talk to lefty family members, they say that not everyone in the party is progressive, so its unfair to generalize about the party but my response is always that isn’t reflected in policy and while some of them may claim to not be progressive, they always support what the progressives want.

    I don’t see it changing much in the deeply pious blue states that make up their religious heartland or in their cities across the country. Better dead than red.

    What the article left out is an aspect of the Democrat party that few people understand and most don’t know exists. The driving ideological force convenes in conclaves, where they wear stylized clothing, enter transcendental states, engage in ritual performances of dance and music, conduct trade, and engage in ideological indoctrination. They gather and disperse, gather and disperse, over and over. The transgender nonsense hit here a decade before it burbled out into society.

    Tens of thousands of people attend these revivals. Why haven’t you heard of them? Not cool enough. You aren’t cool. Secret societies aren’t always secret but they are selective.

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