5 thoughts on “Gaza”

  1. Raise Hell, but where?

    If someone has a vicious pit bull, do you impound the dog or do you jail the owner. I heard there is an owner of pit bulls who is not popular with the neighbors. And the security system on this owner’s property doesn’t work too good, either.

  2. Is there any other culture where Leftists will celebrate the sheer barbarity of that culture? What other ethnicity is allowed to get away with taking and holding hostages, using rape and torture as weapons of war, or the slaughter of non-combatants, to hide behind their own non-combatants, and to freely commit other “war crimes”?

    1. “What other ethnicity is allowed to get away with ”

      All of them except but the deciding factor in what type of behavior is acceptable isn’t the behavior but a group’s affinity to the global left.

      For example, compare how Ukrainiacs are encouraged to act to how Americans were allowed to act while we were at war. The reason for the difference is that the global left supports one and not the other and the reason why the most insane stuff isn’t just supported but encouraged is because it is an Enthusiasm Hurdle used to control the group.

      It isn’t a coincidence that Gazans use the same enthusiasm hurdle or the type of behavior it leads to.

  3. The solution is simple and always has been. Round up every man, woman and child in Gaza and dump them into Syria. Do the same with the entire “Palestinian” population of the West Bank. In a matter of weeks – or possibly just days – their “Arab brothers” will kill or enslave every last one of them and there will be no more “Palestinian problem” because there will be no more “Palestinians.”

    After that, we can turn our attention to whichever bunch of Muslim crazies has heretofore ranked only #2 on the social psychopathology scale.

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