2 thoughts on “NATO”

  1. “Frankly, this old Cold Warrior finds himself in a position he never expected to be. I have to agree with Mike Lee and I think we need to be out of NATO. If they can’t and wont honor their commitments, why should we continue to fund them. To protect them and to pledge the blood of our young for their authoritarian and anti-democratic governments? For governments that hate and despise us even as they demand more from us?”

    Here are some direct questions to the leaders of European NATO countries:

    1. Are there direct threats to your country that could result in war?

    2. If you answered Yes to the above, whose responsibility is it to pay the expenses and make the sacrifices to address those threats?
    HINT: Look in the mirror.

    3. If you believe there are no threats, why should the US continue to spend tens of billions every year to provide military protection you don’t need?

    A few countries, notably Poland, are saying there are threats and are stepping up in a big way to build up their military forces. Many of the NATO countries, notably Germany and the UK, are not. Add to that the anti-democratic actions these countries are taking against their citizens. Are these countries even worth protecting anymore? Signs point to no.

    If you aren’t willing to make the sacrifices to protect yourself, and if you’re turning into anti-democratic nations, I’m not willing to pay taxes or send my grandchildren to protect you. It’s as simple as that.

    Oh, and when it all comes crashing down, don’t bother trying to flee to the US. We already have far more stupid leftists than we need.

  2. “The American public is sick and tired of supporting authoritarian deadbeats who do not honor their word.”

    The war in Ukraine is a war between Eastern Commies and Western Commies. It is an intraparty feud. And if you bring this up, they always say they aren’t true totalitarians and that of course people should go to jail for funny memes.

    There is little difference between Putin and Western Progressives.

    Why should we risk our wealth and health to defend dictators?

    I don’t think we should cease our relationship with Europe but rather use VOA and social media to subvert their commie propaganda and help the normals regain power over their countries. Use their tools against them.

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