32 thoughts on “Sabine Speaks Out”

    1. Quite true. I very much enjoy Sabine’s videos on theoretical physics, quantum physics, cosmology, MOND, GR, and astrophysics. These are things she is familiar with and she can show a significant amount of independence from the herd. However, when she spouts off on climate, energy policy, or carbon dioxide emissions, she mostly regurgitates the consensus drivel and her Bravo Sierra detector turns off. These are things I know a fair bit about and I can really see that she suffers from a case of Gell-Mann effect. Add in some Euro-Weeny smugness and TDS, and it gets old pretty quick.

  1. “This NASA Scientist Is Developing a Spacecraft for Interstellar Travel. Is It the Warp Drive We’ve Been Waiting For?
    A scientific discovery that could transform the study of warp drive is now under wraps at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.”


    Don’t suppose any of you fine ladies and/or gents can open/post this? Seems to be behind a paywall. Wonder if the Nasa scientist mentioned is Dr Harold “Sonny” White? Haven’t heard from him in awhile. Or maybe even more radical possibility Jack Sarfatti…

    1. Even if you shrink the mass requirement for “exotic” matter down to that of the Voyager spacecraft you still have the problem of creating exotic matter aka unobtanium in order to create a “Warp Bubble”.

      Dr. White is busily engaged in studying the Casimir Effect. I wish him luck in this endeavor. But I suspect for many decades to come space transportation will look more like “The Expanse” rather than “Star Trek”.

    2. There is no need to open post the paper in question. It is free to download at this link from Springer-Nature:


      Just click on the PDF link if you want the whole paper. The link above will provide you the abstract. The paper is about 3 years old. I remember reading it when it first came out. Basically Dr. White is claiming the possibility of observing warp bubble like effects in microstructures inside a Casimir cavity. These are measured in dimensions of microns. Not exactly something you could ride to Vulcan within.

      1. When I say possibility, I mean Dr. White has created a theoretical model conjecture for observing an effect similar to what a Warp Bubble might produce within a microstructure inside a Casimir cavity. Nothing published to date saying any such effects have been observed.

      2. “Not exactly something you could ride to Vulcan within.”

        Have you seen this from about 2 yrs ago?

        The WARP Reactor Concept
        M. G. Anderson, J. K. Walters, E. M. Anaya, D. A.
        Max, W. A. Stygar, A. J. Link
        June 7, 2023


        It references Jack Sarfatti in said paper. Of note is on pg 5 equation 15. That’s his (Sarfatti) derivative of the Alcubierre warp drive metric. Of note is the “c exp4” in the denominator. Sarfatti believes that it depends on the medium. C to the 4th applies in the vacuum but he thinks that in a properly engineered meta-material that the speed of light is many orders of magnitude lower. This decreases by many order of magnitude the coupling constant between energy imput and the “warping” effect on space/time.

          1. “Meta-material? How is that fundamentally different from exotic matter?”

            The type of “Meta-material” being referenced (by Sarfatti and others) are based on obtained samples of precisely layered structures of Magnesium-Zinc-Bismuth (MgZn/Bi) with very high purity exceeding current technology. But not “exotic matter” per see. Sarfatti believes that is the explanation for the type of maneuvers that UAP’s are able to make. Insanely rapid acceleration/90degree turns/sudden stops etc. They move by a low-energy warp drive. The Alcubierre metric he believes is correct except for his modifications (referenced on pg 5 of first posted link).


          2. I’m familiar with Sarfatti’s claims not his evidence.

            If the material is beyond current technology how was it obtained? Aliens who died in Roswell?

            I’m bored with Tic/Tac tales. Put up or shut up. You could put Elon out of business with this tech. Oh that’s right he’s in on it too?

          3. “I’m bored with Tic/Tac tales…”

            I thought we were past the UAP’s aren’t real stage; that it was generally acknowledged that these were real physical objects exhibiting in some cases difficult to explain with conventional physics flight performances. Testimony from Naval pilots, high ranking government officials, recorded radar, optical and other evidence from military sources. As far as Sarfatti is concerned I am particularly interested in experimental proof of his variation of the Alcubierre warp drive matrix equations; looks like a potentially testable hypotheses. Whether UAP’s are “alien” or not I am largely agnostic on that point. They could be alien or some kind of black project that is funded by those missing multi-trillions of dollars from defense budgets over the decades, with Congress (and even POTUS) illegally left in the dark. And if Musk was “read in” he would be very wise to keep his mouth shut about it since my understanding is that over the years folks have (allegedly) been threatened or worse to keep quiet about what they know.

          4. I have seen debunking of the TicTac imagery that the fantastic performance is a kind of relative-motion-against-a-background effect.

            Looking out the window of an airliner, or out the cockpit window of a small plane, haven’t we all seen objects that appear to be moving at extreme speed? It’s the objects that appear stationary you need to worry about because they are on a collision course, but everything else appears to be moving really fast in relation to the static ground background.

            That said, does anyone have a frame-by-frame analysis of some of the reported UFO/UAP images and plotted the lines of sight establishing this prosaic explanation to be the case? Unfortunately, all I have seen is handwaving.

            The lack of such an explanation doesn’t mean aliens or gravity-bending propulsion, but still, people who claim to explain away these sightings should also be held to a standard of proof.

          5. I think Mr George Turner brought this up a while back. The type of things in those videos are consistent with EW influencing the devices doing the recording.

          6. By EW, do you mean that the Tic Tac object was jamming or spoofing the radar on the Navy jets observing it?

            How did that “work” inasmuch as it was claimed that ship crews operating powerful Aegis air-defense radars were tracking these objects, allegedly from the edge of space swooping down to the ocean surface? That shipborne radar could track them but they were invisible to airplane radar?

            If it could be established these objects had active radio emissions interacting with radar on Navy jets, I can see how the Navy brass would be nervous about any public discussion.

            But this is yuge. I think I told this joke about the guy who stuffed a chicken inside his Oshkosh Bgosh overalls, and walked about the county fair, and fed it from a bag of popcorn when it would poke its head out.

            Myrtle and Sadie were old widows observing this. “Sadie, hush now, this isn’t anything you hadn’t seen before!” “Myrtle, have you ever seen one eating popcorn?”

        1. From cited WARP reactor paper: Due to the dramatic compression and acceleration of the charged particle rings and plasma liner/target interactions we may even begin to generate significant plasma metamaterial, Warp, Unruh and Dynamic Casimir effects not to mention copious amounts of synchrotron radiation from electron ring modes of operations.

          Or copious new sources of energy loss when an engineered device like this is attempted to be brought on-line.

          This ties in nicely with the topic of the OP, funding a grandiose scheme in Science that may or may not produce a result.

          I would propose an alternative approach. Build the components of such a reactor piecemeal and see if the theories hold up well for the sub-components. This ought to keep LLNL busy enough with smaller expenditures to satisfy the Sabine Hossenfelder criteria of keeping families of scientists sustainable.

    3. I rented the Lentz paper (aka the physicist in Germany) also mentioned in your link and took a look. All theory and posits the conjecture of superluminal solitons. Because they fit within GR, not because anyone has observed them mind you. Now super luminal waves might be a calculation convenience when working in the quantum domain but as far as getting a plasma with many degrees of constraint placed on it to produce them when we have a hard enough time getting them to trigger nuclear fusion seems to stretch beyond the imaginable. If DARPA is paying good money to “keep this under wraps”, I’d like a clawback to the Treasury…

    4. *U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency*

      Well, considering this same agency ‘allegedly’ had 2 folks at HQ push to kill a NASA program, to be able to robotically rendezvous, capture, and refuel another spacecraft (OSAM-1), ,while their other “Big Item”, aka, robotic rendezvous and orbit is a year behind that old program, I wouldn’t be looking for a Warp Drive any time soon.

        1. Too bad, you would have been amazed at the work OSAM was doing. Nothing that any of the other space companies are even looking at.

          1. I sort of remember this. Was this the project that was going to used to refuel satellites in GEO, or was that something else?

    1. Reminds me of the French guy who got a million dollar investment on Shark Tank for an app that used the iPhone speaker to move it in a circular motion in order to take panoramic photos.

      Suspend it from a thread and see what it does. A jet engine would be more efficient.

      1. Actually on 2nd thought it was whatever drives the buzzer noise it makes on silent mode. Maybe thats still the speaker? Don’t know.

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