6 thoughts on “The End Of “Palestine””

  1. The tragedy of all of this is that many of the Gazans have a genetic link to the land. Genetically, they are closely related to Israelis. Islamization (forced, coerced, or voluntary) has turned cousin against cousin.

    Would severing the lines of agitation from the global left and the Islamists ( who are also left) lead to a peaceful coexistence? Moving them to a different location would not remove those two influences.

    It is unpalatable that the USA would have any presence in Gaza for any reason.

  2. I dunno. Unpopular to say now, but maybe there’s no such thing as Israelis? Just Jews. I think the proposed partition of Mandatory Palestine was best, but the Arabs wouldn’t have it, and the Europeans were weak. Propping up the various Hashemite Kings wasn’t a good idea, either.

    1. ” … but maybe there’s no such thing as Israelis? Just Jews.”

      Except for the 2 million+ Muslims and Christians who are loyal Israeli citizens, … more people than live in Gaza. They are *not* of lesser importance. You miss the key points:

      1.) For 400 years of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Arabs were informally considered *below* everyone *except* the Jews, who by Sharia Law were dhimmi and on the legal bottom of the Ottoman hierarchy. Too many were *not* about to become legal equals to Jews. This would be the final debasement.

      2.) Caliphate Revivalism was already started, in the Muslim Brotherhood, in 1928, and by 1929 they were part of the Jew-killing riots. 20 years later, with Nazi assistance in killing other Arabs willing to live with Jews, the Arab clans had numerous leaders who wanted to be at the top of the hierarchy of a new imperial Caliphate, and to exterminate the Jews. As long as an Imperial Caliphate is demanded, Israel cannot be accepted.

      3.) Universities of the industrializing world turned on Israel when its 1975 elections started Israel’s slow turn away from socialist reaction, abandoning “the socialist camp”, and when the Oil Sheiks began paying universities to set up “Middle East Studies” departments as propaganda centers throughout the industrializing world. University denizens will never forgive Israel for accepting market-based industrialization, rather than politically allocated technology development.

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