8 thoughts on “Smashing The Rice Bowls”

  1. Offer the NGO’s make work jobs, but only for 8 months and only if not in DC, NYC, LA, SF, MIAMI. I’m thinking Topeka, Boise, Spokane, Terre Haute, Lexington KY, etc.

    But the bigger point to my mind, is how pathetically weak the left and the Dems in particular are looking right now. Esp. on this issue. They get their little crowds of pols in front of a few network cameras (no one else is around I noticed) for a few seconds of microphone screamage and then leave. Meanwhile TruMusk (Trump & Musk) takes to social media or X and blasts out in real time to millions with no broadcast delays. The media disproportionality is staggering.

      1. The point is they will likely quit before being forced to relocate out of a Blue City… Thus saving us the 8 mos. of salary.

  2. “If Hoffer is right, we must brace for a most unsettled social order in the months to come.

    It’s impossible to overstate how many people’s careers and incomes — their “rice bowls,” in DC parlance — are on the receiving end of Trump’s reforms.

    The people affected will not take this lying down. ”

    But snakes don’t have hands and that means they wont be in the streets waving signs and smashing windows. Other people will be employed to do that.

    I hope all means are used against Democrat’s black shirts this time around. Solitary confinement in a laydown closet while waiting years to go to trial should be on the table since Democrats set that precedent.

    1. ” Other people will be employed to do that.”

      With funding being cut back or cut off entirely, those funding the rent-a-mobs will be keeping as much as possible for themselves. Will be instructive to see how many nose-ringed, blue-haired Klantifa types are “only in it for the money” and not show up.

      1. It probably varies a fair bit and the outcome might be the same but I suspect a lot of the money for activism doesn’t go to the randoms waving a sign but the 5-20 people who stand up groups overnight and do the organizing.

  3. Tens of millions of dollars given to Politics, the AP, Reuters, New York Times, and the BBC.

    Chelsea Clinton raking in $84 million.

    The Biden Administration wasted $236 billion on improper payments in 2023 alone.

    And you know USAID is only the tip of a very sleazy iceberg.

    Why should anyone pay taxes when the federal goverment is this corrupt?

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