4 thoughts on “Good Tidings”

  1. “After having raised a significant amount of money from loyal National Review readers to stand by Mark – in the end, they said their “Happy Warrior”, their keynote speaker at numerous conferences and fundraisers, had essentially busted into the cockpit and took control of the plane without their knowledge. (or, words to that effect…). So they, and CEI (using the same argument re their writer Rand Simberg), were able to get themselves out of the case.”

    NR did put out a lot of money so I understand their perspective but NR is trash.

  2. National Review’s take (from the Editors):

    “For more than eight years, the climate scientist Michael Mann harassed National Review through litigation over a blog post — until, eventually, the First Amendment brought an end to his attack. This week, a court in our nation’s capital ordered Mann to pay us $530,820.21 worth of attorney’s fees and costs, and to do so within 30 days. It is time for him to get out his checkbook, and sign on the dotted line.

    “This restitution is welcome, if incomplete….Between 2019 and now, we have been obliged to expend yet more effort trying to recoup at least some of our costs. This week’s award will not undo all of the damage that Mann has inflicted upon us, and upon journalism more broadly — we had asked for $1 million in fees and costs, and even that was a fraction of what we have spent — but it will, at least, go some way toward making us whole.”


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