Another is the cover up of the Biden crime family, about which half the country remains ignorant.
9 thoughts on “Complicated Plots”
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Another is the cover up of the Biden crime family, about which half the country remains ignorant.
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The issue of Hamas diverting aid to build tunnels has been going on for decades; it’s not recent (and Israel has been warning of it). It is, however, inexcusable. It would have been absurdly easy to stipulate than any aid or deliveries consisting of concrete or concrete-related (such as rebar) had to be certified as having been used for non-military purposes via an outside inspector viewing the use (and barring such materials from entering Gaza if diversions were found). The quantities involved were so massive that they exceeded legitimate uses by several fold, so it was a case of the West willfully turning a blind eye.
Likewise, Biden. His mental decline was no secret to those not in denial. It was aided by the lapdog media decrying the proof as “cheap fakes” etc. So, any leak would simply be dismissed. Personally, I consider everyone involved to be guilty of putting the nation, and the world, in grave danger of nuclear attack (If Biden’s having a “bad day”, and Russia or China finds out in a timely way, it’s a great window of opertunity to launch a nuclear first strike.) I know of no example in all of history where treason has put so many in danger.
On the subject of Biden’s cognitive challenges conservatives have to take some of the blame for the issue not being taken as seriously as it should have been. They made so many preposterous claims in 2016 about Hillary Clinton’s health (“She has Parkinson’s!”) it was easy to dismiss claims about Biden being more of the same.
Maybe some, but not much, given the abundance of evidence, and all the gaslighting from the administration and the media. “He runs circles around us in meetings! He’s sharp as a tack! We can’t keep up with him!” All the while having a “lid” at 11 AM (did any other president ever have “lids”?), falling up stairs, talking to ghosts, shaking hands with people who weren’t there, having to be led off stages…
She got chucked into the back of a van like a sack of rice and had several instances of falling down. I am guessing that she has had other instances of this since 2016 but we don’t know about them because she isn’t in the news anymore. There were real concerns about her health.
It isn’t Republican’s fault that DNC media didn’t cover Hillary or Biden. Everyone knew Biden was a potato in 2019, even the media. They knew and chose not to report on it, just like they knew Russian Collusion was a hoax but willingly participated in it. 99% of the media are straight up propagandists who lie to their audiences and their audiences keep falling for it.
It shouldn’t have even been up to Republicans to bring this issue forward. It is the job of media. We have had an unelected shadow government that no one voted for running the country, and several wars, for the last four years. One of the biggest scandals in American history and the media wasn’t ignorant, they were participants and they did it while screaming about protecting democracy.
I don’t understand how Democrats are not upset about this. The media wasn’t lying to people on the right, we aren’t their audience.
What galls me about the Biden coverup is that people are acting like it’s in the past, but it’s still going on. We still don’t know who is running the country, and they are still anonymously acting as President. It’s like we just decided, well, it’s been going on for four years so what’s a few more weeks.
Unacceptable! And I want names. Don’t make me buy somebody’s memoir next year. I want to see an exposé published yesterday!
It’s like we just decided, well, it’s been going on for four years so what’s a few more weeks.
You got me there.
My take is that it’d be a lot of effort to remove him and probably wouldn’t done before Inauguration Day anyway (even if it were started when he lost the debate). He’s not physically incapacitated and thus no obvious case – he’s still walking, talking, showing up at meetings, etc. It’s not any different from FDR or Reagan who weren’t pulled from office either.
So cost/benefit and precedent aren’t there. Sure, that’s highly suboptimal, but I don’t see a way to get it working under present law.
They could have removed him at any point over the last four years. He is why the 25th amendment exists. Even keeping him around, VP Kamala could have assumed presidential duties but she never took on any.
Why wasn’t he removed? Probably a combination of mutual blackmail and that he was never the one running the country. Why didn’t Kamala step up? Because Obama didn’t need her to.
Year of the Cover-Up. Should Congress be granted the power to invoke the 25th upon 2/3rds vote of both Houses?
Undetected plots…
Some plots were undetected but should have been anticipated. Some plots were undetected but were anticipated but nothing was done to prevent them. But because this is so unlikely, I suspect some plots were detected but allowed to happen because our government is corrupt and often plays for the other team.
I am speaking specifically about China but failures (or successes based on what the administration’s objectives were) in regard to Iran, Afghanistan, and Russia could be included.