5 thoughts on “I’m Looking Forward To This”

  1. A job fit for Hercules…

    I love how the left is screaming about his appointment – how he will weaponize the FBI and go after political opponents.

    So, business as usual

    1. Yeah, the Left projects like a freaking IMAX theater.

      As for Herculean tasks, the FBI headquarters are conveniently close to the Potomac River, which could easily be diverted to good effect.

  2. Good article, but that numbered list left out something huge. The FBI, under Comey, “investigated” candidate Hillary Clinton over using her private e-mail to send classified documents.

    Result? Comey took to national TV to lay out how Clinton was guilty of criminal incompetence, only to add that he wouldn’t recommend charging her, because no one had been charged for that in over 100 years.

    It was the first time the FBI, in any capacity, had ever publicly cleared anyone to that degree, for anything. And doing so because no one had been charged under that law in a century was not their call to make, but they made it. More tellingly, this was just a few months before the FBI started digging into the Trump transition team, looking for Logan Act violations. The last Logan Act indictment was in 1852.

    There’s also the little detail of MArk Zuckemburg’s written (under penalty of perjury) statement to congress, his mea culpa for going along with censorship on Covid and, also, the Hunter Biden laptop. HE mentioned that a team of FBI agents told him the latter was “Russian disinfo”. This was just before the 2020 election (So, Trump was in the white house), which makes it very interesting; who sent them? I feel fairly sure it wasn’t Trump (who was desperately trying to get the laptop story out, not suppress it).

    My take; even at worst, Trump’s critics are right, and he’s going to do to them what they did to Republicans (and America). If so, so be it; they’ve earned it.

    1. I haven’t kept up with the unravelling of the Russian Collusion Hoax but I am sure it started long before Comey was forced to clear Hillary when Weiner’s laptop contents were leaked.

      That press conference probably wasn’t this first time it was used but is the first time I noticed the Magic Computer tactic. Most people don’t know how computer stuff works only that you can do a lot with computers, so when someone says they used a computer program to do something, people will believe it. This is especially true for people who do some programming because they imagine themselves doing something like that even if they don’t have the skills.

      In the storytelling filter, it is easy to suspend disbelief. The tactic was probably invented by watching movies and since Democrats view the world as a stage with the populace as an audience they knew it would work.

      Did they really check hundreds of thousands of emails on that laptop in a weekend and discover they were all duplicates? No, of course not and we learned later that this was a lie by Comey and the FBI. People believed the obvious lie because of Magic Computers.

      They also employ this tactic with “the algorithm” and ai. They do what they are programmed to do. They don’t spontaneously censor your political opponents through the powers of Magical Computers.

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