14 thoughts on “Scientific American”

    1. I remember when everyone wished Bill Gates would spend his money to save their pet project. Now it’s Elon. I heard a rumor he was going to buy MSNBC, but other than for the comic value of him firing everyone there, I just don’t see him doing it. Cable news networks are yesterday’s medium for delivering information. Magazines are even more so.

      1. It can be had cheaply, and it is still a trophy in the culture war.

        The left use their publications to write propaganda and then use their other media, referentially, to push ‘the message’.

  1. I didn’t care about her apology, she can think whatever. She does need to apologize for putting out a crap magazine.

    1. SciAm (the “c” is silent) has been a yellow rag ever since the early 1980s when they went full Soviet in opposing Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Every few months they’d put up an article by Kosta Tsipis explaining how SDI would bring on WWIII, was utterly immoral because it would work too well, and wouldn’t work at all because the made-up strawman design wouldn’t work at all.

      1. Even as a high school student I realized that the first article of each issue was some sort of pseudo-scientific political viewpoint. I just ignored it.

        But I think I gave up on it about the time they dumped the new Amateur Scientist columnist because he was a “fundamentalist Christian”, and the Mathematical Games started getting in little digs against “supply side economics” and such, and then in the early ’90s celebrated the awarding of an “Ignobel Prize” to Dan Quayle. (Did Mr. Potatoe Head ever claim to be a scientist?)

      2. When I was in High School, Kosta Tsipis lived just a couple of houses down the road. My dad used to say hello when walking through the neighborhood. In my one experience speaking with him myself, he was filled with certainty about a certain personal educational issue I was contemplating. Well, he was probably right on that and if he hadn’t been so…bullying?… about his opinion, I might have taken it.

      3. Looking at the world today, with the two wars raging and how missile defense shields us from their consequences, do you think they have engaged in any introspection?

        It is amazing how fast our friends to the left went from fighting against missile defense to substituting it for foreign policy.

        1. They were just following orders from their Soviet paymasters. The nuclear freeze movement, nuclear winter, missile defense, and a lot of other things back in the 1980s all had leftists parroting the Soviet lines. I’ve visited Nagasaki twice. There are many peace memorials in the park. I noticed that many of them were donated by Warsaw Pact countries back in the 1980s. That wasn’t a coincidence.

  2. I don’t see what the big deal is? Scientific American can fix this very easily, with just a slight change of their name to: “UnScientific UnAmerican”.

    It’s a change no one could argue with.

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