6 thoughts on “The Biden Doctrine”

  1. Whatever good things the Biden handlers have done are made irrelevant in the handling of the big issues China, Russia, and Iran.

    To me, it looks like competing factions with different goals pulling policy and action in different directions. There is no Biden Doctrine because there is no Biden. It is likely that total collapse has been prevented by “Deep State” factions going their own way but that these factions are also functionally retarded in civics and strategic thinking.

  2. well if trump wins we will have the project 2025 doctrine … that guy is freaking hilarious .. on and on he spews BS .. He doesn’t know what it is .. has never read it..( well is almost illiterate so no surprise there) and doesn’t know a thing about it ..

    but he now states on day one he is bringing in Tom Homman, will gosh .. who is Tom Homman .. well he is the guy who wrote project 2025 .. lol .. what a knob .. no wonder he shouted to the crowd that he likes dumb people… HAHAHAHAHA

    1. You guys believe in a lot of kooky conspiracy theories.

      Democrats bring up 2025 to avoid dealing with Agenda 2030, which Democrats and their fellow International Marxists have implemented all over the USA and the globe.


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