8 thoughts on “Harris Or Trump”

  1. The biggest problem with Harris is her abject incompetence. The biggest problem with Trump is the oppositions willingness to literally do almost anything to stop Trump from winning POTUS again. Up to and including lawfare (including weaponizing the DOJ against political enemies), abortive assassination by deliberately nerfing his security, massive disinformation, ridiculous media bias, etc. The damage this does to public trust and the integrity of our leading private and governmental actors (elected or otherwise) will play out for likely decades to come.

    1. It’s interesting that the betting markets (even PredictIt) have shifted to Trump even though such a bet requires not only that he wins but also that he survives to the election. I’d love to see the betting odds contingent on both candidates being alive on November 5 (or even the odds for who will be President on January 21), but as far as I can tell nobody is offering that bet.

  2. Worse…every unethical, illegal, dishonest act(s) they commit in their own eyes are morally justified; they are in there view “saving the country (world)” etc. from the evil scourge of Hitler/Trump. “Why can’t all of you see that?!”

  3. With the exception of a pandemic caused by China, I think the first Trump Administration is a good model of what to expect.

    1. “I think the first Trump Administration is a good model of what to expect.”

      One critical difference; he (Trump) will justifiably go after those who went after him. Expect (properly) appointed special counsels (or maybe an AG with balls) to investigate election interference by lawfare. Expect Schedule F type purging of the Federal bureaucracy of those who think they can subvert the will/policies of a lawfully elected POTUS simply because they think the can’t be fired. Frankly it will be both tumultuous and fun to watch at the same time; their whining and gnashing of teeth as they get their deserved comeuppance. The first time he was persuaded not to go after them “lock her up”; there will be no stopping him this time. He knows if he doesn’t they won’t let up going after him.

  4. Add to that possibly testing the Constitutional limits of POTUS’s ~200yr history of being able to (up to Nixon) not spend all the money appropriated by Congress, returning it to the Treasury; so called “Impoundment”. Trump says he will attempt this to try to get control of the deficit; he will challenge the Nixon era legislation making said impoundment illegal as unconstitutional. See how that plays out in a conservative court; they said Roe vs Wade wouldn’t be overturned maybe get lucky twice.

  5. I’ve got major issues with Trump.

    I voted for Trump for one reason: Kamala Harris. She truly is the most effective campaigner that Trump could ever have.

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