Why The Feds Are Preventing Private Aid In Asheville

Is it really about the money?

More to be outraged about at Instapundit.

[Saturday-morning update]

The federal government has lost the mandate of heaven.


23 thoughts on “Why The Feds Are Preventing Private Aid In Asheville”

  1. Yes.

    I don’t know why I haven’t considered monetizing my commentary here. I should just post a link to a comment through a paywall….

    As for past comments, Rand where do I send the bill?

    1. What’s the answer? Gulag? Concentration camps? Reeducation camps? Mass firing squads? Public torture (at last, a use for PBS!)?

      Then again, World War III will concentrate all minds wonderfully. “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when, but we’ll meet again some other sunny day…”

        1. If Americans lose confidence in their elections, that may not be that far off.

          It amazes me the idiot elites cannot see this.
          Did they all sleep through history class?

          1. They think in short term. Their lives. They don’t see any short term risk to themselves.

            Of course, everyone thinks they can skate by until at some point, one group finds themselves in a lot of trouble.

  2. At one level, it might be about $$. There are good reasons for not taking physical goods as donations though. You get a bunch of random stuff, some might be expired, and then it has to be transported. Giving money allows for a more efficient purchase and transportation of goods. But excellent point on the preferred vendors issue.

    To me, it looks like there are different levels of response right now. This morning, I was looking at flight radar 24 and between Mobile and Tallahassee, there were dozens of helicopters in the air. Lots of Navy closer to the coast and lots of Army inland. Medical helicopters were peppered in there too.

    In NC, there were only two Army Blackhawks and a handful of private helicopters with a few medical helicopters. The Asheville airport was busy, and there were some military supply planes there.

    The feds can only do so much but it looks like some governors are doing a better job than other governors with the military resources available. NC has to have more than a couple helicopters available to them and I’m not sure why it looks like the feds are ignoring NC.

    1. quote Wodun “I’m not sure why it looks like the feds are ignoring NC.”

      Could be because the deep state IS ignoring NC to depress the vote. Its October 3 in an election year. NC is MAGA or at least leaning that way. Its not clear what they WON’T do.

        1. Weren’t the Copperheads those Northern Democrats, like Vallandigham of Ohio, who supported secession and slavery? At least the Souther Democrats were obvious in their self-interest in preventing the Republicans from freeing their human property.

      1. I sincerely doubt that ignoring the NC people will depress their vote. They will take note and get angry at being ignored and abandoned. It seems counter-productive, to me, for the Democrats to do that.

        1. “I’m so sorry, but all of the ballots and voting equipment for those counties were destroyed by the hurricane. Besides, conditions are too dangerous for people to go to their polling places.”

          – Democrat voting officials, the day before the elections

  3. It seems counter-productive, to me, for the Democrats to do that.

    Here’s an opportunity for the Deep State to just do their jobs competently, and let Harris & Co. take all the credit– “See Flyover County™, we don’t hate you. We’ll bail you out even when you won’t let us buy your votes!”

    Where are all the people on the ground refuting all of this malmisdisinformation? You’d like to think that if they were doing their job, they could “flood the zone” with information that show conclusively that they are really doing their job. But it appears they can’t even so a few TikTok videos or Xitter postings to puff themselves up.

    It’s like the vote irregularities accusations. DeepState can’t even be bothered to put in the effort to look like they are not corrupt and incompetent (a deadly combination). Then they just expect us to believe whatever they say, and then get pissy when we don’t.

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