2 thoughts on “Iran’s Nuclear Program”

  1. As much as people (retards) talk about Israel getting the USA to fight their wars, they would be doing us a great service taking out Iran’s nuclear facilities. We should sell them whatever weapons they need.

    Something to consider, our Navy can shoot down missiles but can be overwhelmed and we only make 12 SM 3 a year.

    We are at war or close to war on so many fronts it would be nice if congress got our budgets in order and the military fixed their corrupt procurement processes.

    1. One can certainly hope for an Israeli de-nuclearization strike on Iran before the U.S. election. I’d say the odds of such occurring are now appreciably in excess of even money. I believe Bibi is a man now thinking about legacy. If he can do the hat trick of effectively destroying Israel’s three main adversaries – Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran – his place in Israeli history will be secure and he can retire.

      Fixing the DoD will require, at a minimum, Donald Trump’s re-election to the Presidency. Past history – especially that of the Navy’s BuOrd anent the Mk 14 torpedo – demonstrates that even being in an actual existential war is insufficient to get what Heinlein called “the swivel-chair hussars” to straighten up and fly right. They have to be removed and replaced.

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