Am I Racist?

A rare review of the movie.

Looks like both this and Reagan are worth going to a theater for.

[Tuesday-morning update]

Another one:

[Early-afternoon update]

[Mid-afternoon update]

4 thoughts on “Am I Racist?”

  1. We saw Reagan yesterday.

    It starts off a little clunky … feeling like a “Made for Prime” movie. But it did hit it’s stride, and delivered a solid story, well-acted.

    I found a lot of the CGI make-up (I am presuming it was) to be a bit off-putting. In my opinion, this tech has not (yet) surpassed high-quality practical-effects make-up for aging (or subtracting age from) a person. If it was practical, they needed to hire better people to execute it.

    Performances were all solid – although a few of the cameos were so brief, I had to check the credits to figure out the roles they played.

    All-in-all, it was a solid B+ (in my opinion), but lacked the power I was hoping to see.

    Afterward, the wife & I pondered whether (semi-)recent history films like this are a bit more entertaining for those of us who lived through it – so it is almost like watching your own home movies – and if younger people who do not remember the events would find it less-compelling?

    Anyway – definitely worth going to see – especially just to support this kind of content in the theaters.

  2. Saw Am I Racist and it was enjoyable but not sure it was worth the money. There were a few moments that got me to laugh. It had craft and a message that tied everything together but it felt like it was missing something. More of a small screen movie than a big screen.

    They could have done a better job with the $$$ but maybe I just don’t remember that part as there were only two people in the theater and I was checking emails and what not. It wasn’t visually captivating.

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