On The Road Again

We’re driving up to Utah today, and then up to Idaho Falls tomorrow, to take care of business in Jackson, and do a little tour of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. I’ll have the laptop with me, but don’t know how much blogging I’ll be doing. It’s the closest thing we’ve had to a vacation this year (not counting the visit to Florida last month, which was more family).

[Tuesday-morning update]

Spent the night in Richfield, UT. We occasionally stop here on our way to/from Denver from LA, because it’s a motel we like, and it’s a good halfway point. Heading up to Idaho Falls, ID today, to spend three days.

11 thoughts on “On The Road Again”

  1. Polaris Dawn launch this morning was nothing short of spectacular. Esp. when the Dragon Crew Module separated from the 2nd stage, literally at just past dawn over the North Atlantic. What a spectacular video that was…

    1. With three Americans on ISS Crew 8, plus Butch and Sunni from Calypso also on ISS, plus Tracy Dyson on Soyuz-MS25 and now Polaris Dawn’s crew of 4, that puts us at 10 Americans in Space at the same time. Is that a new world record for citizens simultaneously in Space?

          1. Yeah, but what if someone back in 1969 told the Apollo 11 astronauts that in 55 years, the US will manage to put 11 astronauts in space at the same time.

          2. Yeah, but what if someone back in 1969 told the Apollo 11 astronauts that in 55 years, the US will manage to put 11 astronauts in space at the same time.

            If they had told them that in 1975 and 49 years, they’d probably have believed it. Socialist space programs being what they are…

          1. That’s great news! You folks from 100 from now cannot imagine the sense of accomplishment for us here in the past. Remember our times and not yours and have some sympathy…

  2. and do a little tour of Yellowstone and Grand Teton.

    Welcome to the neighborhood! The weather could be a bit wet tomorrow (Wednesday), but otherwise looks good over the next few days, if you’re visiting for more than a day. And September is a good month to visit – less crowds and cooler temperatures. Hope you have a good time!

    I work in Yellowstone (have for 16 years) and just realized that I haven’t mentioned that before on here.

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