16 thoughts on “The Biden-Harris World”

  1. I don’t have to waste my time watching a “debate” (which it isn’t, it’s just Madison Ave. for politics) when I already know the “in-the-pocket” MSM will spin as a win by epic proportions in favor of K.

    If you want to watch something interesting, let me suggest this.

    1. Suppose Trump wins the election but judge Merchan on November 18th decides to sentence Trump to prison anyway (and insist he goes to jail immediately). Wouldn’t that prevent Trump from being inaugurated the last stop to prevent him for becoming president again?

      1. If Trump “wins”? No. The SCOTUS will immediately get involved and put it out of the jurisdiction of NY State. We haven’t had this unfortunate situation since the Civil War. In all cases Trump should stay out of NY State should he ‘win’ or ‘lose’. Cause there will be weeks of vote stealing re-counting afterwards. He needs to stay out of NY State during that time. Such a shame. Baron will have to travel to Florida if he wants to visit Pops. Will Florida honor an extradition order from NY State? Gets interesting.

        Our election system is fraudulent and not auditable by design. This may be the last election I ever participate in until it is repaired.

        Ballots are no different than $100 bills and should be treated as such. In fact, even more precious I would argue.

        1. “Cause there will be weeks of vote stealing re-counting afterwards”

          Yes, absolutely. They will do everything Trump did it and then some. Expect massive recounts court challenges lawsuits and if that doesn’t work faithless elector schemes; all with the full complicity of the media.

  2. The secret service under Biden could be ordered to stand down and let Trump be incarcerated. The only counter move would be Trump’s lawyers trying to get SCOTUS to immediately intervene: maybe they would maybe they wouldn’t. Of course it’s not impossible that there might not be a clear election winner by November 18th sentencing date.

    1. He could order the Secret Service to stand down, but if Trump is in Florida and seeks an injunction against NY State extradition, it gets interesting. There is probably an extradition agreement between the two states. Not clear how much latitude DeSantis or Florida courts have to block it.

      1. Unless SCOTUS acts it would an attempted extradition circus. Of course absenting such action Trump has to go to DC to be sworn in….wouldn’t put it past them some attempt to prevent his motorcade from reaching the Capital for his swearing in. Or even another attempted assassination by deliberate secret service neglect. Hopefully I am just being paranoid.

          1. BTW, loved how in the “investigation” we’ve gotten to the bottom and root cause of this.

            Just like we did for the WH coke…

      2. “He could order the Secret Service to stand down, but if Trump is in Florida and seeks an injunction against NY State extradition”

        Mercan will probably insist that Trump be present in New York State court for the sentencing on the 18th of November (that would be his chance to try to incarcerate Trump immediately there would be no need for extradition)
        Merchan will require him to be there for the sentencing otherwise he’s in contempt of court. This would obviously end up in SCOTUS’s lap.

        1. Trump has been contemptuous of this trial from the start. What’s a contempt conviction vs the conviction on the felonies he’s already facing? He’d be smart to skip it. Let Marchand tack it on if he chooses, big deal.

  3. VDH is sharp but he is off on this one. The Biden Harris administration isn’t afire but on fire!

    Each one of the things he mentions might seem bad but was the intended outcome of the policies of whoever controls our country. They have been successful.

    Rather odd that so many South American countries aped Democrat’s 2020 election plan with the help of our own government. And it is a little suspicious that the people Democrats have been working with on trafficking humans engaged in mass murder of politicians in Mexico. But these things are beneficial outcomes to the people in charge, successes.

      1. Aided and abetted by a few key politicians, billionaires and the so-called main stream media, both print and electronic. You can only pile the BS so high without it being noticeable.

      2. In the absence of a singular leader, there are likely many factions enacting their own plots and schemes. The intelligence blob is a big blob among blobs.

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