12 thoughts on “The 2024 Cheat”

  1. “Michigan has two million more registered voters than they should have. 83.5% of the state is registered to vote but only 77.9% is over 18. – Seth Keshel”

    OK I give up what are they doing about it (other than point it out publicly) the election is in about 2 months and they will simply ignore the findings and keep right on doing what they’re doing. So unless Trump wins nothing much will be done about it until after the fact.

      1. You’re right, this sounds so much better:
        “Michigan has 450,000 more registered voters than they should have. 83.5% of the state is registered to vote but only 79% is over 18.”
        Whew!, Thought we might have a problem there.

  2. I think we learned some valuable lessons from four years ago.

    I don’t. This election is going to be a fiasco. Neither side will concede. Two slates of electors galore. It may very well end up being decided in the SCOTUS or the House and we’ll have 4 years of whatever that is and regardless, will please only half of the country. The other half will claim a stolen election and an illegitimate President.

    If Trump loses he goes to jail in NY State. Since incarceration is an untried mechanism for someone under Secret Service protection, if Trump refuses to waive this protection, we’re probably talking home confinement, with Secret Service acting as wardens. That is until the Manhattan DA confiscates Trump Tower thanks to the *other* civil case in NY State. He might then be remanded to serve the remainder of his sentence at a refurbished residence at his golf club in New Jersey. No way will the NY State judicial system let him serve out his time at Mar-a-Largo, nor is it clear Gov. DeSantis would go along with it.

    If Harris loses but the Democrats carry the House it will be rolling impeachments just like the previous term. If the Democrats don’t carry the House then it will be lawfare all the way to try to tie the Trump administration’s hands in court. I expect little to get done in a 2nd Trump administration thanks to obstructionist impeachments or legal roadblocks both at the Federal and Blue-State levels.

    As for the Deep Administrative State, I fear that the Deep State only cares that it stay in control. The R or D after the name is mostly irrelevant. They seemed to be worried only about Trump’s proclivities for random outbursts not what an R administration would bring. Apparently that can be largely ignored (see lawfare above).

    If we stay on course, within 10-15 years, stating these kinds of opinions on-line will get this blog banned and we contributors could face prosecution for spreading “misinformation”.

    Brazil may be a great movie, but a poor role model…

    1. That is until the Manhattan DA confiscates Trump Tower thanks to the *other* civil case in NY State.

      Sorry NY State AG… whatever…

    2. “If Trump loses he goes to jail in NY State.”

      Depends on the appeals process…once you exhaust state level appeals you can attempt to appeal in federal court. Merchan will very likely lose if it gets to SCOTUS. He (merchan) has committed all kinds of “reversible errors”; but we will see. A massive effort would be made to intimidate SCOTUS into either not overruling or just not taking the case.

      1. Trump has so far unsuccessfully attempted to move this case to Federal court. He was just turned down a 2nd time this week.

        1. “Trump has so far unsuccessfully attempted to move this case to Federal court.”

          Agreed; Trump could appeal to a higher federal court and eventually to SCOTUS. I think the biggest issue is that the sentence hasn’t been proclaimed yet. Another major issue is that judge merchan hasn’t ruled on the immunity claims issue raised by Trump he was going to rule on that 2 days before sentencing him but today the sentencing has been pushed back to November after the election. So the news isn’t all bleak.

          1. Moving sentencing to after the election just makes it that more likely Trump will get jail time should he lose the election. IMO.

          2. “Moving sentencing to after the election just makes it that more likely Trump will get jail time should he lose the election. IMO.”

            Perhaps. Merchan would be free of the charge he’s interfering with the election if Trump lost but on the other hand while he might be sentenced to prison I think it’s less likely he will end up in prison because of the appeals process. SCOTUS could then throw out the whole thing without any accusation of interfering with the election. But remember while the sentencing date has been pushed back a couple of months the decision about the immunity by Merchan is still scheduled to happen in September. So Trump’s team would have 2 months to make their appeals to SCOTUS (if Merchan rejects immunity…likely) on those grounds before sentencing would even happen that’s significant.

      2. You’ll need snowshoes in Hell if the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division overturns Merchan or finally the NY Court of Appeals (confused yet?) decides to hear it. Unless of course Trump wins the appeal in the Appellate Division. But who knows? Maybe the Appellate Division judges were appointed under Gov. Pataki? Oops just checked. 14 year terms. Pataki was out in 2006, no dice.

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