5 thoughts on “Seven Things That Kamala Harris Has Never Done”

  1. Other than questionable claims of having worked in McDonald’s, she apparently has never worked a private sector job. She has never operated a business, make a payroll, or had to deal with the thousands of government regulations that strangle business.

    1. That’s not quite true, Larry. Harris has indeed had to deal with business-strangling regulations; she helped create a lot of them, especially in her time in the senate. And that’s far worse than having never dealt with them at all. 🙂

      It’s worth remembering that Harris, based on her actual votes, was judged the leftmost senator, in a senate that included Bernie Sanders.

        1. True.

          But, I think this is part of why her campaign is all about “Joy” and “enthusiasm”; that’s all she’s got, and even most of that is paid astroturfing.

          If she’d have had to run a regular campaign rather than been swapped out for Biden late in the race, plenty of voters would have wised up to her by now. IMHO, the only shot she’s got is to keep up the fakery and lies long enough to run out the clock.

          If a republican tried to do this, the media would eat them alive.

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