One thought on “Dubious Medical Norms”

  1. The various lab test ”norms” are totally made up too. They are moving averages of the last ten or hundred thousand tests that a particular lab runs, and ‘normal’ has nothing to do with optimum.

    The ‘norms’ for vitamins are set at the low end at a high enough level to avoid frank signs of deficiency in patients, and the upper end at something below causing frank signs of excess, if they can find it.

    Then there are hormone levels – straight moving averages. And with things like sex hormones (both male and female) – the only people who normally get tested are those who are older, and the levels are not what they used to be. So, if your testosterone is 258 and the labs lower level is 257, there is nothing wrong with you.

    And while we don’t have direct measurements of testosterone going back more than about 50 years, secondary indicators show levels were much, much higher – as much as 3000 (ng/dl).

    Like the Cholesterol hypothesis, it’s all agreed to nonsense, not science. And anyone who speaks against the KNOWN TRUE WORD is cast from the tribe.

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