17 thoughts on “Rapid Reusability”

    1. Where I live, there is a truck with grabbers just like that, which is driven by my house every Friday, stopping to do that with a plastic garbage bin.

      Garbage collection of the 21st century.

      1. That’s what you think. Garbage has nothing to do with it. It’s all about banging dumpsters as loudly as possible at 3am…

      2. Yeah, I’ve seen those suffer hydraulic failures, blowing hot hydraulic fluid over parked cars. Also, mechanical failure when the grabbers simply break. Or the bin does. Or misses the hole, somehow and scatters trash all over the neighborhood.

    1. “All is proceeding as Jerry Pournelle had foreseen (except for SSTO)”

      We almost (maybe) got SSTO..remember the Delta-Clipper?


      Too bad NASA blew it up.

      “All is proceeding as Jerry Pournelle had foreseen (except for SSTO)”

      The concept came from Jerry Pournelle…(RIP). Wish he could have lived to see SpaceX’s Superheavy/Starship reach Mars. Or at least earth orbit and then reused. Probably would have had tears of joy in his eyes. I still have a dog-eared copy of his “A Step Farther Out” somewhere.


    2. All is proceeding as Jerry Pournelle had foreseen (except for SSTO)

      Well I always suspected JP was a marooned Martian…

  1. Not related but viva la cheap gas (and energy independence):

    Trump Vows to Slash Energy Costs by Half if Elected

    Donald Trump has pledged to reduce energy costs by half within his first year in office if elected.
    Trump plans to achieve this by canceling electric car mandates and reversing green energy policies.
    Trump’s energy plan focuses on boosting U.S. oil and gas production, while criticizing wind and solar power.


    1. Energy is used to create and transport everything. Lower the cost of energy and the savings spread across the entire economy. Trump knows this, while Commie La accuses every one of price gouging for passing along the higher energy costs caused by Democrat mandates.

    2. I don’t know that Trump will be *criticizing* wind and solar. AFAIK he doesn’t mind their application where appropriate. My understanding is that he just doesn’t like the mandates.

  2. When we see a Super Heavy landing with a Starship sitting that close to the landing / launch tower we will know that the system is sufficiently reliable to be considered fully operational.

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