10 thoughts on “Homer Hickam”

  1. Commie La Harris has been Vice President for the past 3 1/2 years. Can anyone provide a list of what she has accomplished in that time? I’ve got nothing.

    1. Larry J, Harris does have accomplishments. I’ll list a few.

      Kamala Harris, by her own recount, was fully in the loop on our Afghan withdrawal. Therefor, she was part of accomplishing, by dint of going against the advice of the military, the deadly debacle it became.

      Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, thereby accomplishing the passage of a bill that increased inflation, increased taxes, and squandered countless billions doing it.

      Kamala Harris, as vice president, helped fundraiser for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, whose purpose was to bail violent rioters out of jail. She thereby accomplished being at least partially responsible for murder.

      Since being becoming the nominee, Kamala Harris has proposed an inflation-reduction package that would increase the price of housing and food, with a side-benefit of food shortages. In so doing, she accomplished something unprecedented for a Democrat; getting eviscerated for it by lefty outlets like the Washington Post.

      She’s also accomplished another political first; she’s tried so hard to run from her own record and policies that there’s not so much as a mention of her policies, much less a policy page, on her campaign website.

      There are many, many more things I could list, but that’ll have to do for now.

      CJ 🙂

      1. Thanks for the list. Since she’s so hesitant to actually tell us what she believes (I’m sure the DNC has consultants working on a focus group approved list of “core beliefs” for her) or her policies, I guess we need to refer back to her positions when she was running in 2020. She supported a total ban on fracking. She’s for price controls. She wants massive increases in taxes and spending. She was a Red Diaper Baby who learned about socialism and communism on her Marxist Economics professor daddy’s knee.

          1. Marxist Economics exists, but it’s similar to the DEI field in that everything is made up. It’s a collection of self-referential lies.

        1. @ Larry J,

          I agree regarding her 2020 positions, though I also consider her senate votes (which placed her to the left of Bernie Sanders) plus some of the outrageous things she did as California AG.

          Is it any wonder she’s trying to memory-hole her record?

  2. I too knew we wouldn’t make it to the moon by 2024. First, the rebellion, err I mean the NASA resistance, would make damn sure Trump wouldn’t be President when they returned to the moon. And since the flight time between SLS, which Homer was right to suggest removing from the critical schedule, was 2 years, then there wouldn’t be enough flights before 2024 to land on the moon. I won’t take credit for forecasting only one SLS flight in the last 5 years. I’m surprised that I wasn’t cynical enough.

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