3 thoughts on “Californication”

  1. Speaking as someone who lived in Colorado for 27 years, I can state that Californication took what was a great place to live and turned it into a leftist craphole. I moved away 12 years ago. My wife and I return to Colorado just about every year to visit family and friends. We’ve noticed that each time, our visit is shorter than the previous one. This year, we were there for 3 days and more than ready to leave when that time was up. As of now, I don’t know if we’re even going to bother going next summer.

  2. I’m an Oregon native. I used to be proud of the fact, but decades later I’m embarrassed.

    Back in the 70’s, Gov. McCall created the Oregon Ungreeting Card campaign. An attempt to dissuade Californians from moving to Oregon.

    “People in Oregon don’t tan, they rust.”
    “People who fall off their bicycles drown.”

    To no avail.

    Lefty locusts who have thoroughly ruined California are now sucking the life out of Oregon.

    For decades.

    Portland used to be The City of Roses.

    Now its the City of Russkies”

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