3 thoughts on “Anti-Zionist Protesters And The Left”

  1. Chait: “It is possible to imagine a world where pro-Palestinian protesters were aiming for a just future where Israel and Palestine could coexist. But that is not the world we inhabit. And it does no good to pretend it is.”

    I couldn’t have phrased it better myself. It’s great to hear a voice on the Left say this out loud.

    1. Palestinians who want to coexist with Israel are not in Chicago waving the flags of terrorist armies. They are in Jerusalem or Amman, getting on with their lives.

  2. This is the Democrat base. Anti Israel and Anti-Semitic views have long been the norm in the activist soul of the Democrat party. To call them out would mean stabbing themselves in the heart.

    The DNC organizes these protests. The entire activist network supports them with funding, manpower, medics, lawyers, and friendly judges and prosecutors. The cops are also controlled by the same people.

    It is all political theater to keep the base motivated and fool the gullible idiots who don’t know what their party is or does.

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