Still Walking Away

Brandon Straka, six years later:

7 thoughts on “Still Walking Away”

  1. When I stopped seeing the Democrats as a political party and instead, saw them as a large organized crime ring, their actions made a lot more sense.

  2. I’m a small-L libertarian. I don’t like Trump. Pre-Biden’s stand-down, I wasn’t going to vote in the presidential race.

    Harris has had an impact on me, especially the lies and cover-ups, plus of course revealing herself for what she is via the economic proposals.

    Kamala Harris has succeeded in motivating me to vote. I still don’t like Trump, and would have preferred most anyone else as the Republican nominee. But, currently, I’d crawl over broken glass to vote for the son of a bitch.

    1. Seeing how Democrats reacted to their attempted assassination of Trump, should have turned a lot of Democrat voters away from their party but they tolerate pro Hamas kill the Jews people in the highest positions of power, so…

      1. Yup, and that’s part of why I’ll be voting for a guy I have major issues with; because the Democrats are so utterly awful in so many ways.

        I’ll admit I’m hoping they get bit, good and hard, by their pro-Hamas fanatics at the DNC in Chicago. Karma is indeed a bitch.

  3. Straka knows more than most about what happens when Democrats turn the fusion of government and corporate power against dissidents.

    With the influx of new Republicans in 2016 to now, the Republicans have become a big tent party made up with people with conflicting views on many issues. That gives Democrats plenty of things to wedge but also means that if Republicans stick to their core ideals, they can unite the electorate.

    The “Southern Strategy” as laid out by Atwood as opposed to what Democrats said it was. You are going to get some people you don’t like voting for you because prosperity, security, legitimate law and order, strong national defense, limited government, and individual freedom appeal to most Americans.

    1. You’re presupposing an election vs an affirmation.

      It’s going to be interesting starting Nov. 6th onwards.
      Neither side is going to concede so if close, likely a re-run of 2000 with either SCOTUS picking our President or the sitting House. I’m predicting a Democrat landslide after 3am on Jan Nov. 6th. If it is an affirmation see how long you can hold out with “Not My President…” Since money won’t be able to buy you groceries be sure to get in line early for your K[amala]-Card ration… Assuming you like to eat…

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