CommieLa’s Economic Plan

How it will go:

[Sunday-morning update]

Harris’s Kamunist agenda faces a harsh reality.

She’s a red-diaper baby who learned “economics” at her Marxist father’s knee.

28 thoughts on “CommieLa’s Economic Plan”

  1. Oddly enough, when I took economic in college, one lesson focused on “The fallacy of price controls”.

    The professor’s position was that price controls can work, if, first, we repeal the law of supply and demand. He also said that while we were at it, we really ought to repeal the law of gravity too, because a lot of people get hurt in falls. (Yeah, he had a great sense of humor, and used it well to make his points).

    As for Harris, she’s either an economic ignoramus of magnificent scope, or has true malicious intent. Though, in all due fairness to her, I suppose those aren’t mutually exclusive propositions.

    1. I’m wondering about Kamala’s mother’s politics. Who marries a professor of Marxist economics except a fellow communist?

  2. K doesn’t grasp this. It’s a talking point given to her by her “staff”. i.e. the unelected blob that runs the show.

    So done with politics by remote control.

    1. While her mother is reportedly a respected cancer researcher, her father is a Marxist Economics professor (now professor emeritus) from Stanford University. She gets her economics stupidity naturally, being a red diaper baby.

    2. I’m not so sure her staff is to blame for this one, it might be Harris herself. This kind of economic incompetence is what Marxist economic professors spew.

      And Kamilla Harris’s father was, of course, a professor of Marxist Economics (Even lefty Snopes admits this, and rates it “true”). Further, in his 1978 book and also in his teachings, he was largely preoccupied with the same anti-corporate and anti-capitalist theories that Kamala is presently regurgitating. Much of it is from Marx’s theory of capital.

      So, I think there’s a very significant chance that Kamala Harris herself is largely behind this, and that makes her both stupid AND evil.

      1. Why can’t we get politicians whose father’s were rigorous professors of economics who studied Adam Smith?

        Alex I’ll take University of Chicago Economics for $1000.

  3. Let’s see…if you “price control” food then you will get a parallel of what happened during COVID on Lysol disinfectant spray. It (the spray) was in huge demand for awhile as a result of the COVID pandemic. Since the stores weren’t allowed to let the free market adjust price upward (price gouge) it rapidly disappeared from the stores shelves because of (largely) hysterical consumer stockpiling. Disappearing far faster than the factories could meet the panic fueled consumer demand. If the price had been allowed to rise naturally then consumer demand destruction would have inevitably kicked in at some point (how many people are going to pay say $25 for a small can of Lyso1 spray?) Also the factories likely would have been able to ratchet up production (admittedly at greater per unit profit than usual) for said item. Consequently you couldn’t find Lysol spray anywhere for months on end until folks finally calmed down. Now imagine that playing out with food? I can go months without buying Lysol but how many could go without buying food for that long. Especially the poor. Imagine the level of panic/food riots/political unrest/etc. before president lefty-loon cackle pants figures out the cause and effect between her policies and said result? Nixon may have been corrupt but at least he wasn’t a moron; he likely figured out that it wasn’t working at some point and made the necessary adjustments (canceled it). I have no such confidence about president Harris.

    1. Ten or so years ago, Arizona had a pipeline failure that temporarily stopped the gasoline supply (from Texas). Gas stations started running dry, and prices soared. And due to the high price, gasoline tanker trucks started doing a lot of runs from Texas to here. Gasoline was similarly trucked in from New Mexico, Utah, etc. It was enough to help, a lot, for the ten days or so it took to repair the pipeline.

      I was exceedingly glad of this, because I was on vacation (Houseboating on Lake Powell) when the pipeline blew, and didn’t find out until the day I wanted to head home, and had only a quarter tank. The only reason I was able to get gas that day and get home was thanks to the high prices luring in tankers from Utah.

      There was, of course, much hysteric hand-wringing over “price gauging”. The claim was that the price hike (it more than doubled) made it impossible for the poor to buy gas. (and ignored the fact that the poor wouldn’t have been able to buy gas if there was none).

      As for the real causes of food inflation, there are many, but trust me, the Democrats don’t want to go looking, because they’d have to look in a mirror. To name just one example, the price of eggs has tripled in California and Arizona, mainly due to mandating “cage free” eggs, plus hiking the minimum wage.

    2. “Also the factories likely would have been able to ratchet up production”

      Supply chain issues at the time would have prevented this but there would have been incentive for them to work through that faster than other companies.

      1. “Supply chain issues at the time would have prevented this but there would have been incentive for them to work through that faster than other companies.”

        Yes. But if the price of said Lysol had been allowed to rise naturally in response to the spike in demand (free market) the factories wouldn’t have had to increase production too much for too long because of consumer demand destruction.

  4. Kalama or her team don’t care about the specifics. This is just one of the several attempts to buy off the electorate…..

    $6000 for having kids
    $25,000 to buy a house
    and so on…..

  5. The ‘consequences’ projection sounds like the old joke from the Soviet days:

    Q: If the Soviets took over the Sahara Desert, what would happen?

    A: For five years, nothing. Then a terrible shortage of sand.

  6. So, when Oprah bought everyone in her studio an audience a car, what kind of car did they get?

    A Pontiac G6.

    There must be a moral lesson in this, somewhere.

  7. Maybe to make the contrary argument…there is method to her madness (incompetence). If she succeeds in wrecking the American food production/distribution system by her “price controls” there could be unintended side effects. It could have one positive benefit.
    Americans are as a group overweight/obese; if food disappears from the grocery shelves think of all the weight we would lose as we slowly starved. Think of all the exercise we would get rioting/fighting/shooting at each other to get whatever food there is left to be had. No need to go the the gym anymore. Also Bill Gates’s “let them eat bugs” so called “food” would suddenly be in high (relative) demand.

    All Things Bugs, LLC
    Grantee website Gainesville, Florida, United States
    Purpose: to develop a method for the efficient production of nutritionally dense food using insect species.

  8. The Byzantine oil price control scheme imposed by Richard Nixon (though oil price controls were not original with him) to “deal with” inflation’s effects on the energy sector had the effect of turning the OPEC/Arab oil embargo into a national disaster. They gave us oil shortages and even rationing through the 1970s, and did less than nothing to counteract the effects of the OPEC oil embargo – it ensured that domestic producers could do nothing to increase our supply. I lived through the nightmare of the “energy crisis” in my college years. I remember the Carter years as one long, cold, dark winter night.

    To his credit, Carter was in the process of gradually phasing out the Nixon oil price control behemoth as the 1980 election approached. Reagan had pledged to continue the “phase out”, but instead, soon after his inauguration, signed an executive order eliminating the controls completely.

    The effect was so fast, and so dramatic, that it has to be considered
    the landmark proof of the superiority of free markets over centralized control. America had actually been unable to obtain the fuel it needed, and had been brainwashed by some charlatans that “peak oil” had arrived. That whole narrative vanished almost immediately, and we have never had an oil shortage since. (The war against cheap energy since was taken up by “climate science”, attempting to brainwash us to believe that CO2 was going to doom the entire planet.)

    1. Yes indeed.

      The thing is, Harris’s proposals are just fine, unless you’re one of those weird people who likes to eat food, and have a roof over their heads.

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