Don’t Know Much About History

So much for “experts” on the American presidents.

One of the things that I find infuriating is the worship of bill passing, as though the only job of presidents and Congresses is to pass bills, completely ignoring whether or not the legislation is good, or terrible. Biden’s touted “accomplishments” are the passage of disastrous legislation (when it’s not unconsitutionally ignoring Congress altogether to do terrible things).

7 thoughts on “Don’t Know Much About History”

  1. The whole point to checks and balances is prevent or delay bills from being past. I guess doing an end run around the constitution is an accomplishment of sorts, I guess.

  2. “Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last: President Biden may owe his place in the top third to his predecessor: Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office.”

    Well according to the former house speaker Nancy Pelosi, Biden belongs on Mt. Rushmore next to Jefferson, Lincoln, and Washington. Of courses she sounded (increasingly typically) drunk as skunk at the time.

    “Nancy Pelosi boldly suggests Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore”

    Even Leslie Stahl could barely conceal her incredulity.

    1. There’s no filter in these people – they say whatever they want no matter how egregiously stupid and silly, and contradictory to the facts, the comment might be. That’s because they can get away with it because the media don’t hammer them for uttering such idiocy. And some of it sticks….it pushes a general narrative which does take hold as well as confirms a lot of biases.

    2. “Nancy Pelosi boldly suggests Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore”

      The first stone carving to have its back turned to us with a stone depiction of a knife sticking out of it. No joke!

  3. We had our first female Prime Minister of Australia who rated her accomplishments by weight of legislation passed. She didn’t make it to the next election as her party replaced her with the guy she knifed to get the job.
    For all that legislation I haven’t noticed the place getting any better.

  4. Tried to read this, couldn’t finish the crazy. I felt sorry for our intrepid narrator. The rankings are so bad they’re beyond just wrong.

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