9 thoughts on “Did The Biden Administration Betray Israel To Iran?”

  1. Impossible to know for certain, but, unlikely.

    The US would never dispatch any knowledgeable intelligence assets to Iran. They’d be immediately taken hostage and subdued by “all means necessary” to pump the maximum information from them. Then afterwards hold them as negotiation pawns or targeted for death should an important Iranian asset get killed.

    The only way this gets done is through an intermediary or on neutral territory.

    1. …and don’t just assume it would only be Iranians involved in the “all means necessary”…

  2. I’m very strongly reminded of a long-ago time called the Obama-Biden administration, when some people accused the Obama admin of sending cash and gold to Iran.

    Utter absurdity, no one would believe that! Oh, wait… planespotters in Switzerland ID’d the flights, and then, somehow (cough, Iran wanted it to happen) somebody snuck into the Iranian air force base on the edge of Tehran, and took pictures inside the planes.

    So, I don’t doubt that the Biden-Harris administration is capable of the kind of backstabbing they’ve been accused of, and I can certainly see how (Like exposing Obama’s planeloads of cash and gold) it’d serve their interests to reveal the perfidy, plus in this case drive a huge wedge between the US and Israel.

    The only part of this story that I find questionable is that Israel would be dumb enough to ever share agent identities with the US.

  3. Good to see Rand a useful simp for Iranian disinformation.

    “unnamed source in Iran told Kuwaiti paper al Jarida”

      1. Good to see that you are as much of a reading-challenged moron as ever.

        How am I reading challenged?
        You are the one amplifying a “leak” from Iran “intelligence” . Mine and your commentariat reading of your statement is you giving it an ounce of credence. So if you honestly didn’t mean to give it an ounce of credence then you have a written expression disorder and may want to get checked out.

          1. Cool. The latest moronic troll doubles down.

            Cool, cool a moron who had trouble with checking a clearly labeled AC Power supply with his volt meter set to DC calling anyone a moron is rich. I seem to recall you doubled down on that one too.

            To clarify you believe “it not impossible” JD Vance has carnal knowledge of a couch too then, After all he was gothy weirdo and the AP retracted the fact check denying it.
            But you are not spending your time amplifying that one.

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