14 thoughts on “Kamala Harris And The Masque Of Magical Thinking”

  1. Democrats like storytelling and all they need to suspend disbelief is a well crafted story, no matter how deceitful. This is why they don’t comprehend how their primary was rigged, again, and the timing behind Biden being forced off the ticket.

    Prior to the 2020 election, Democrat storytellers engaged in “prebunking” and said things like, “When everyone goes to bed, it might look like Trump is winning but you should expect that overnight, more ballots will come in because Democrats vote by mail and Republicans don’t.”

    People are like water, they take the path of least resistance. Offer them two options, 99% will take the most convenient option, even Republicans. Prebunking had to take place to short circuit rational thought.

    Once upon a time, a few weeks ago, there was an energy shift. Youth was injected into the race and a public that had gown depressed with the thought of Trump surviving a Democrat assassination attempt were invigorated with Kamala going brat and having some fun because why be so serious? Everyone danced and drank coconut water, which is why they never made it to a campaign event but still gave Kamala the biggest turnout in history. So many people voted for her that it took several weeks to count all the votes, which is what was expected all along.

  2. The sugar high of the Harris coronation won’t last.

    Sounds like more fractured fairy tails and coping from those who were touting ‘The great red wave of 2022’.

    Democrats like storytelling and all they need to suspend disbelief is a well crafted story, no matter how deceitful

    WTF , the god head of the republican party is the master of this. He has created stories for decades and has been putting on a master class for the last 13 years that books have been written about.
    The latest example is his excuse making for ducking the ABC debate with Harris that he had to cancel a debate he agreed to in May of 2024, due to a lawsuit he filed in March of 2024. With his ridiculous counter proposal is to have the debate on an RNC infotainment network that paid 800 million dollars to avoid going to court for repeating and pushing republican(Trump’s) deceitful lies.

    Prior to the 2020 election, Democrat storytellers engaged in “prebunking”

    Oh like this

    1. If Trump insisted on following through with a debate on the previously agreed upon date and conditions with whatever candidate is running that week, you Democrats would be insisting that the agreement was only valid for Biden.

      At this point, there’s no guarantee that Harris will be the Democratic’s nominee on 04 September. All the polls say that a Generic Democrat does best against The Orange Clown, while all specific candidates run worse than SloJo, That’s who they’ll run, some nameless generic candidate. Or, to use a baseball term, a “candidate to be named later.”

    2. Storytelling: Biden is hale and hearty with a swift wit and cunning smile matched only by his kindness and propriety. Any contention that this isn’t the case is Russian disinformation, a cheap fake.

      He courageously resisted the calls to step aside as he was the winner of the primary but late at night, wandering the hallowed halls with history looking at him from those stony busts and rippled pigments of the past, he had a change of heart and realized it was time for the young people to have a shot at ruling. He decided to do what is best for the country, even though it put his party at great risk.

      It was no easy decision. Biden rebuilt the economy, won the war in Afghanistan, helped our ally Israel defeat our own dreaded foe Iran, and gave Ukraine whatever they needed to take the fight to Russia. It took courage to step aside but he always had confidence in Kamala. She had proved herself time and time again. Solving every problem she was tasked with from illegal immigration to well, anyway… He saw her dance and knew she could handle these serious times with the levity they demand. This is why she was selected and any claims otherwise…

      The biggest lies in the Trump/Biden years were Russian Collusion and that Biden wasn’t a potato. You gullible idiots eat it all up while tearing down our institutions to protect democracy.

  3. Speaking of Magical thinking, I guess you didn’t notice how rapidly Trump is sinking beneath the rising waters of Kamala because of that self-destructive pick for Veep?

    1. No, because I’m too busy noticing the developing recession, which will ultimately drive the outcome of the election and not in cackles favor.

    2. It didn’t matter who Trump picked as VP any more than it did who Republicans picked as their candidate, Democrats treat them all the same regardless.

      Can’t judge the choice by how Democrats and their media react because they always act the same.

      What we can tell from the reaction, Vance scares Democrats. He is articulate and intelligent with accomplishments and a good family. His selection is likely one of the reasons they had to bump Biden because Kamala would get wrecked in a debate. Their choice for VP is going to be someone they think can spar with Vance, that leaves few options for them. My guess is Kelly.

      1. I was wrong. They didn’t go with balloon boy and went with Walz. He is an out of closest socialist, so will rally the Democrat base despite his age and race, which is something Shapiro couldn’t do.

      2. It didn’t matter who Trump picked as VP any more than it did who Republicans picked as their candidate, Democrats treat them all the same regardless.

        Exactly. No matter who the OrangeHitler picked, we’d have the talking point endlessly repeated that it was a “self-destructive pick” because that person is “weird”.

    3. According to Rasmussen, Trump spent all of three days “underwater” but has since resurfaced and is once more underway at full steam. The big loser is turning out to be RFKjr.

      The Dems find J.D. Vance “weird” because he has a nice multi-racial family that represents reproduction above replacement rate. No Dem knows anyone who checks all of those boxes. Dems barely have children and appear to be busily mutilating and sterilizing those few they do have – plus anyone else’s children they can lay hands on. The Dems are actually doing what the Romans only said the Carthaginians were doing.

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