5 thoughts on “Joe Rogan Goes Live On Netflix”

  1. “Let’s be clear: Joe Rogan is NOT a conservative. And he’s never been anywhere close to being a conservative. Ever.”

    True. He was the darling of the left for many years, just like Alex Jones.

  2. My wife found a previous Rogan standup special on Netflix recently. Neither of us had been aware of the fact that he was a standup comedian, and were surprised at how good he was. We watched his latest special tonight, and it was really hilarious. Speaking about “non-woke comedy”, he said “oh, you mean comedy.” Atta boy, Joe.

    He’s as fearless as the great Dave Chappelle, and is another sign that actual comedy is coming back. His style, by the way, reminds me of Sam Kinison, something I would never have guessed based on his interview podcasts.

    I don’t care about his politics, either in his comedy or interview podcasts. That’s a good thing. In fact, I find him to be the best interviewer I’ve ever seen, and have to resist watching him just due to the time investment required. The trouble is, it’s always been worth it. But it eats up a good chunk of a day.

    1. He is funny and came up at a good time for comedians. I’ve found him to be uninformed on many issues but that means he asks lots of questions and willing to learn.

      He is the default Democrat who fell hard for identity politics but doesn’t like being told what to do.

  3. What little of what I have seen of him, he comes across as some sort of conspiracy loon who now sounds more sane than the majority of people on the left these days. Kind of like RFK Jr. Or Bill Mahr for that matter.

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