6 thoughts on “An Ongoing Foreign-Policy DIsaster”

  1. It is way worse than this. Our media wont report on what is going on because the horrors would be devastating to the Democrats. Mass murders, tortures, rapes followed by execution and videos of these things sent to our service people.

    Taliban sending torture and rape snuff films to our military members and people in the State Department should be huge news.

    From what I have seen, China is using Bagram.

    Shawn Ryan Show has had a lot of guests talk about the issue. Erik Prince has been on a number of times and recently had Ahmad Massoud as a guest as well as a bunch of other folks.




  2. The military equipment was given to the Afghan Army in order to help them hold off the Taliban on their own. Wishful thinking but that was the reason. The alternative would have been to assume that they would fall and so not have given them the military equipment and so we would have been blamed for leaving them defenseless and so would have been blamed for their inevitable downfall. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    1. When the Taliban was massed out in the open slaughtering our allies, we didn’t do anything. Leaving them the equipment after that was a blunder. We could have destroyed all of it on our way out. Afghanistan fell before we left.

  3. In future, when enacting punishment on those guilty of sheltering those who instigated the murder of thousands of Americans, just use B-52s and iron bombs. Lots of them.
    Screw nation building, we’re talking nation destruction. That’s if you can call a bunch of tribes whose idea of foreign policy is lying behind rocks and shooting at foreigners, a nation. When no foreigners available, they shoot at each other.

  4. Is a tactical nuke about to go off in Ukraine?

    Russia declares state of emergency. I suspect Putin will act and soon.

    Stay tuned….

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