Judith Curry

An interview with John Stossel.

9 thoughts on “Judith Curry”

          1. There is a video clip of then Senator Kamala Harris questioning Mike Pompeo on his nomination to be CIA director, trying to “smoke him out” as a “climate denier” by bringing up the 97% of scientists thing and asking, “As Director of Central Intelligence, what are you going to do about Climate Change.”

            Mr. Pompeo took a deep breath and then carefully deflected the question, as much as saying that the (fossil fuel emission) causes of climate change is something for “the scientists to figure out”, but the role of the CIA and his role as its Director is to “collect the facts on the ground” as to what is happening in countries around the world as it affects our security, and whether it is getting warmer and this is bringing about changes in a specific country, and to report on that to the policy-maker consumers of intelligence.

            What Judith Curry says is fine and good, but how do you condense that into a within-a-Senator’s-allotted-5-minutes-response during a confirmation hearing?

            If there is a pushback against electric cars or air-sourced heat pumps for northern regions, it will be because consumers are fed up with the limitations in conjunction with the relentless propaganda about how much better they are with those things, not with a sober discussion of the relative seriousness of the Climate Crisis, scientific uncertainty and whether the Biden Administration’s expenditures on green things is a good use of resources.

            By the way, auto repair expert Scotty Kilmer departs from his Jim Cramer-like yelling about which cars are good and which are not to give a sober description of the tradeoffs about electric cars:


            But a person is limited as to who in your social and family circle you can even share this link or the Judith Curry link with.

          2. One thing is certain. The utility lines servicing my area are nowhere up to what would be required if everyone on my circuit were recharging their cars at night.

            Fortunately, I think we have a long, long way to go before that happens. For where I live, the only way an EV would make sense is if I can supplement charging it via solar charged batteries. And that works best in summer not winter.

  1. One can ask whether “higher education” has hit rock bottom.
    And one can the same for corporate media- decades ago, death was plainly written on the wall, but as can be seen, they take a long time- I guess by having numerous little niches to fill.
    There always going be the 25% and larger amount of people which have no sense of humor.

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