5 thoughts on “NewsGuard”

  1. It does sound pretty sinister. From the Powerline site:

    I wondered what NewsGuard has said about Power Line over the years, so I went to their web site and discovered a curious fact: their site is not searchable. Thus, there is no way for a non-subscriber to find out what they have told their customers–companies, schools, and perhaps government agencies–about us, or about anyone else.

    Defamation can continue for quite some time when they hide such information from non-subscribers. Further, what media factcheck group operates this way? Who pays for this service?

    My bet is that it’ll be fun and games until people start getting canceled by most of the economy without even a warning.

  2. The cofounder is Steven Brill? I remember when he founded the ill-fated Brill’s Content. I subscribed to that for a year. I wish I had kept the premier issue. In it, Brill himself wrote an article about press coverage of the Lewinsky scandal. At the time of printing the existence of the semen-stained blue dress was rumored but not confirmed. He flat-out said that it did not exist.

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