7 thoughts on “Inhibition of IL-11”

  1. “any safety issues”
    While not a safety issue, I understand the nose and ears never stop growing.

  2. “Scientists Discover the Holy Grail of Longevity? Blocking IL-11 To Reverse Aging & Extend Healthspan

    Professor Stuart Cook talks about blocking Interleukin-11 reverses multiple hallmarks of aging. This therapy may have the similar effects of combination of rapamycin, metformin and senolytics. The IL-11/ERK/mTOR axis of senescence is a therapeutic target for extending mammalian healthspan.”


  3. Unless you just have a soft spot for mice this is more likely to bear fruit for us Homo Sapiens:

    “Human Age Reversal with TRIIM – XA Trial/ Dr Greg Fahy
    Dr. Greg Fahy presents about the latest results from TRIIM-XA Trial in this video. In a significant advancement, researchers have successfully duplicated the outcomes of the inaugural human age-reversal trial. This replication bolsters the original findings, suggesting that treatments targeting thymus regeneration could be crucial in reversing certain aspects of aging. The TRIIM-X trial is an expanded pilot clinical study designed to assess a personalized combination treatment regimen for thymus regeneration. The thymus, a crucial component of the immune system, significantly deteriorates with age. Regenerating it may help prevent or reverse critical aspects of immunosenescence (the aging of the immune system) and potentially mitigate or reverse key elements of the aging process more broadly.
    their website: https://interveneimmune.com/


  4. What did they give the mice to produce these results? I couldn’t find it anywhere in the paper, though I did read it rather horridly.

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