4 thoughts on “The GOP Platform”

  1. Talking about platforms, what about Bus Rapid Transit stations taking up the center of the major arterial streets in Madison, WI. I think this has something to do with the pair of ballot initiatives in Wisconsin to prevent the governor from spending Federal aid without approval by the state legislature?

    Here is what is driving this thing. The Wisconsin Governor is a liberal Democrat and both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature are majority Republican, with strong conservatives leanings at that.

    The Federal government under Mr. Biden’s leadership is spending trillions of dollars on all kinds of stuff, and I am sure some of that spending filtered down to the City of Madison discombobulating all of its arterial streets with center-of-the-street stations for a Bus Rapid Transit system along with stretches of left land painted red, with confusing rules on whether motorists can use those lanes and wait behind the bus or are excluded from those lanes.

    Madison is also buying a fleet of battery-electric jumbo transit buses with left-side doors to allow boarding from the new stations–the older diesel buses are unusable in this service. It will be interesting when we get another stretch of sub-zero weather as we had in the otherwise warm winter of 23-24.

    I am motivated to vote for the ballot propositions as a protest against having my automobile commute snarled with this Federal expenditure that was accepted without review from the state legislature. On the other hand, these ballot measures could snarl needed natural disaster relief with the divided government we have in this state.

    Here is an opportunity to weigh in on how at least one Wisconsin voter should respond.

    1. If last winter in Chicago is any indication, I wouldn’t worry too much about EV buses clogging the streets unless they are abandoned there.

      1. But the ballot propositions to make the Governor have to go to the State Legislature to accept “free” Federal Money, am I fer it or agin’ it?

  2. If Biden wins re-election, I will start a write-in campaign that, right after sponsoring putting an American woman of color on the moon via a Chinese lander, we make the next priority removing all the Apollo landing sites that are currently polluting the lunar surface. This would include performing surface raking to remove any existent footprints and vehicle tracks and flags. Maybe we could contract China to do this for us? After all the Moon never invited us.

    /sarc <- is this really necessary?

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