The Coverup

A short history.

It’s not possible to hate these awful people enough.

[Update while later]

Well, anyway.”

As noted, the Democrats have given Republicans many great campaign quotes on Biden’s unfitness. They can’t unwrite and unsay them. And I love the look on poor Meloni’s face when Biden calls Zelensky “Putin.”

BTW, if you want to get completely snockered in a Biden speech, take a swig at every “Look,” and “Anyway.” They’re verbal ticks that he can’t avoid when he doesn’t know what to say next, or when his train of thought derails.

[Update a while later]

Our Brezhnev, our Pravda, our Soviet Union.”

[Afternoon update]

I sure wish this didn’t sound completely plausible.

[Saturday-morning update]

Joe Biden and a tear in the fabric.

20 thoughts on “The Coverup”

  1. BTW, if you want to get completely snockered in a Biden speech, take a swig at every “Look,” and “Anyway.” They’re verbal ticks that he can’t avoid when he doesn’t know what to say next, or when his train of thought derails.

    No Joke!

    Biden’s “train of thought” has no engine, engineer, and is mostly caboose.

    Rolling backwards.

  2. Great campaign stickers for the Bidenaires:

    Well, anyway! Biden 2024

    Biden 2024: You know, the thing!

    2024: Re-elect Biden-Trump!

    And let’s not forget all the free merch this election cycle!

    – Helium filled campaign balloons made in China.
    – Boomerangs with the WH logo.
    – Biden/Harris ’24 dog leads and muzzles.
    – Free neurological exam coupons for ex-military.
    – Free CD containing Marine Corp Band’s greatest hits, including the hit single “Fanfare for the First Lady” Autographed by Dr. Jill Biden.

    1. “Fanfare for the First Lady”

      Let me guess. It was composed by the Richard Drefus character in the movie “Mr. Holand’s Opus”?

      1. Actually, were it composed by a real-life version of the Richard Dreyfuss band teacher from Mr. Holland’s Opus, it would be fitting in with the theme of Jill Biden holding a doctorate in education and being an advocate for public education.

        It would also explain why the composition isn’t really all that good.

          1. I’m think of overdubbing some of the West Wing intros with this, right after the snare drums…

  3. “Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win.”

    A coup and the tweeter claims the CIA is with Obama.

    IMO, what we are seeing is that the Biden administration is a puppet but Obama wasn’t running it from the Oval Office but through his people in the various departments. The Bidens wouldn’t necessarily know as they have a similar world view and farmed off control to agencies because of Biden’s health anyway.

    Biden was supposed to be the fall guy for any illegal activity, just as Democrats have claimed was the case with Raegan. Obama has always looked at what past Presidents have done as the true measure of Presidential power, not the Constitution. Whatever some other President did, he could too.

    Biden has outlived his usefulness and the biggest and most inclusive voter fraud system in history might not be able to save him and even if it did what then? Obama needs a new puppet, which is why he prevented Democrat voters from choosing their own candidate.

    But the Bidens are stubborn and aren’t doing what they are told. That leaves few options but the rules don’t matter.

    The open question is who Obama picks to be the next candidate and if he will be successful in his coup, either against Biden or Trump. There might be a compromise, with an Obama selected VP. Then Joe can retire later, with much fanfare and accolades, or drown paddle boarding.

  4. My favorite Biden quote from the press conference he gave to show he’s okay between the ears;

    “Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if didn’t think she was not qualified to be president.”

    I predict that clip will be making an appearance in Republican adds this fall, along with a lot of other Biden clips.

      1. My guess was about a hundred to one against them coming out before the election.

        However, the move to oust Biden from the nomination makes me reconsider that. I think it’s now as high as 50/50, and it depends on whether or not the revolt is still underway when the Democratic convention occurs. The Hur tapes (assuming they’re as damning as I think likely) leaking, plus Obama and the Clintons joining forces at the convention against Biden (they’ll try to paint it as ‘for his own good’), look to me to be the only likely route the Democrats have to snatch the nomination (and disenfranchise 14 million Democrat voters.) Assuming, of course, that someone on the side of the revolt has, or had, access to the Hur tapes.

  5. Got to love that the 5D chess of Bidens’ is working.
    Playing rope a dope steering right into the right wing media narrative to make it MSM story, and taking over the news cycle for 3 weeks now right into the RNC convention. Trump is absolutely stewing about it. As the media is tuned into every word coming from Biden or democrats for all the drama from the democrats.
    Even preempting Jeopardy to show a Biden new conference where he showed much better than the Narrative the media and right wing news was has been saying.

    Ok enough channeling my mirror universe inner Ken.

      1. Yes Yes News conference tough to catch typo inside a link. Did they preempt for the Detroit rally too?

    1. Playing rope-a-dope while steering into a narrative?
      Never mind. Just wanted to comment on that hilarious MSN article that purports to show Trump “stewing” because the media is ignoring him. And we know it’s true because they preempted Jeopardy.

      Engineer, I’m tempted to ask a question but since the answer would also be a question I’m skeptical any clarity would be forthcoming.

    2. More Than 23 Million Watched Biden’s News Conference, Beating the Oscars.
      Not a very high bar.

  6. Radio host Chris Plante likes to refer to the following, as being (unfortunately) appropriate to today’s USA:

    “The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”
    ― Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs (Her early life in the Soviet Union)

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