
Yet another study on its supposed benefits.

They lose me right off the bat when they compare it to the “benefits” of the Mediterranean diet. I don’t think there is any value at all in restricting red meat and fat intake.

Anyway, I suspect that even if the correlation is causation, it’s not clear that it will work for everyone. If coffee has no discernible effect on me (which it doesn’t) other than making me brush my teeth more to get rid of the foul aftertaste, then it seems unlikely that I will derive any health benefits from choking the swill down.

12 thoughts on “Coffee”

  1. “I don’t think there is any value at all in restricting red meat and fat intake.”

    Does that include saturated and trans fats?

      1. I switched from canola to avocado oil for frying (for the higher heat). Does that count as a seed oil? I still put canola on salads because it has no flavor as far as I can tell (but cuts the vinegar nicely, along with a bit of water). I hate olives and their oil, sad to say.

  2. Is it any coffee that you dislike? Light / Medium / Dark Roast, flavored blends? Just curious…

    Myself, I grew to like the Kirkland Dark Columbian and Black Rifle as well.

    1. There is no good coffee. There is some that I will choke down, if I think it’s good for me, but I have to take it completely on faith, because I can’t tell whether or not I’ve even drank it, other than the foul taste in my mouth, which necessitates toothbrushing and/or mouthwash.

      1. I drink some expensive Ethiopian coffee, locally light roasted, but it’s really just an excuse to drink sweetened heavy cream. If I just want to wake up fast, a Mexican coke (with sugar, not corn syrup_ will do fine in the summer. Sometimes I drink cocoa in the winter, also with heavy cream (packaged cocoa is sweet enough as is).

  3. I was watching one of those PhD gym bros and apparently there is a genetic defect in some people where coffee has no psychological impact on them. It was mentioned in passing, so didn’t get much information but something to look into.

    It is similar to the beneficial genetic adaptation that makes cilantro taste like soap.

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