Presidents Matter

As I’ve stated before, what is disturbing about all this is that the Democrats are panicked that Joe Biden will lose the election, not that he will destroy the country in his incapacity.

10 thoughts on “Presidents Matter”

    1. I think it’s so when he does rule, there will be no way to get the appeal on the docket before the election.

  1. The Donorcrats (as Niall Ferguson likes to refer to them as) have spent a lot of money on that embroidered curtain. How dare you peek beyond to the man behind it!

    What’s more how dare you notice that the control panel behind him operates on it own! Like a Fisher Price toddler toy, it ignores all the knobs, switches and levers and just presents the man with entertaining lights and sounds while it does whatever it wants.

    One of the most disturbing political yard signs I’ve seen recently states: It doesn’t matter who as long as you vote Blue! I’ve been thinking of making a 6 foot cardboard cutout of Hermann Göring in his bright blue Luftwaffe Riechsmarschall uniform to put up next to it.

    Niall F. has done it again today. If you liked his We Are All Soviets Now post in The Free Press, you’ll love his latest: The Democratic Party Awaits Its Gorbachev.

    1. The hamasniks would be pleased. If there’s one thing plain it’s that subtlety is completely wasted in “liberals”.

    2. I’ve toyed with subscribing to FP for a while now, and the paywall on this article finally tipped the scale. I can’t say it really paid off in the end, as I was hoping he might have an idea or two who the Democrats’ Gorbachev might be, or at least what kinds of things he would do to merit that analogy. But Niall remains a vibrant and readable writer.

  2. A government we didn’t vote for is bumbling our way into wwiii and thrashing the constitution along the way. The military and intelligence agencies are going along with it.

    On top of that, both parties refuse to rein in spending while not spending money on capabilities we need. Our deficits and debt are removing options to deal with what is coming.

    People are too blinded by emotion and need to take a few steps back and look at the situation we are in and make hard choices before they are made for us.

  3. “This morning, Jeh Johnson, the former Secretary of Homeland Security under Obama, went on MSNBC to make the case for Joe Biden to stay in the race.

    “A presidency is more than just one man… I would take Joe Biden at his worst day at age 86 so long as he has people around him… ”

    Absolutely. It’s called the Swamp and it’s not good that the bureaucracy is running the country. That comment by Johnson proves what I thought all along: Biden is just a figurehead who will not get in the way of the Obamanistas and the rest of the lefties from doing what they want.

    1. I am addressing the claim that anyone who “wasn’t in the tank” for Mr. Biden already knew that the disastrous debate was a foregone conclusion.

      I didn’t know that. My observed experience with these things is that progressive neurological disease is gradual. Whereas they cannot stop the progression of the condition, there are medicines that can alleviate some of the effects.

      I had no idea what to expect last Thursday. The knock on Mr. Biden had been, yes, he is slipping, but his doctors would find some combination of drugs to get him through the debate. In fact the next day, Mr. Biden was making a campaign appearance and was back to reading prepared remarks as his usual-for-himself-these-days self.

      On one hand we are told that two hot summers means we will all have to replace our gasoline car with an electric car and replace our gas furnace with an air-sourced heat pump, but what happened on Thursday is no cause for alarm and no reason to replace this presidential candidate.

      By the way, is a young person ever described as “sharp as a tack”?

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