4 thoughts on “Thoughts On American Politics”

  1. Yes.

    The Constitution was created in a time when a global mono-culture of subsidy and entitlement did not exist. Nor was that even conceivable at the time of its creation. But sociology and technology have had their effect…

    The Constitution works well within its cultural and technological constraints. But in order to function properly it needs a populace that is self-sufficient not subservient.

  2. I haven’t voted for Trump in the primaries, but I think Eugene goes a bit hard on Trump for Republican problems rather than all the other Republican leaders. Ask yourself, if you voted for John McCain in 2008 to avoid Obama and Government Healthcare, did that vote do anything for you? How do you feel about that vote for Romney in 2012?

    I am in Dan Crenshaw’s district. Lots of us were excited when he won in 2018. I know people that worked his campaign. Crenshaw had the same opponent in 2022 and 2024. Crenshaw had 5,000 fewer votes in the 2024 primary and 17,000 more votes (1.5x more than the haul in 2022). If that’s how conservatives feel after 6 years of Dan Crenshaw; the problem in the Republican Party is beyond Trump.

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