7 thoughts on “Joe Biden Is Sputtering Out”

  1. I guess we all know by now that Donald Trump scored reasonably well with the SCOTUS verdict getting nearly unlimited immunity for constitutional core responsibility acts as President and to be determined for other sorts of acts.

    However as an aside one of the commentators I think (judge Napolitano ) made reference to Clarence Thomas saying something (in the court opinion) about the other issue of whether Jack Smith appointment was constitutional not clear what that was.

    1. the other issue of whether Jack Smith appointment was constitutional

      It wasn’t for the role Jack Smith has been given. But heck, when has that impeded Merrick Garland?

      I love to contrast Garland to Sessions.

      In any case it has been referred back to the lower courts which means the immunity question won’t be decided before the election.

      It’s up to NY State’s Judge Merchan now to “rescue democrazy”. Secret Service willing…

      1. The immunity question has been sent back to the lower courts but I believe the question of the constitutionality of Jack Smith’s appointment to special counsel in the first place is still before SCOTUS (and also as an aside judge cannon in Florida also has that issue submitted). Clarence Thomas referenced it in their majority decision on immunity I believe.

  2. Isn’t it obvious? The only reason ageists are allowed to smear Joe Biden is because of systemic ageism

    Outside of Fox show me any septuagenarian in any of the daily media? Isn’t it obvious? Occasionally we’ll get Ted Koppel. But where is Sam Donaldson? Or Dan Rather? Or Eric Servareid?

    Joe knows! He understands!

    1. The claim is that Mr. Biden is “sharp as a tack.”

      Isn’t that a way of saying that a person’s cognitive function exceeds the low expectations we set for a person his age?

      Isn’t it like some of the stock phrases white people use to faintly praise a person of color, phrases that Mr. Biden has applied during his political career?

  3. “Clarence Thomas swipes at Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment in SCOTUS immunity case
    Justice Clarence Thomas says there are ‘serious questions’ about Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment”

    “In this case, there has been much discussion about ensuring that a President ‘is not above the law.’ But, as the Court explains, the President’s immunity from prosecution for his official acts is the law.”

    Thomas explained that in this case, the attorney general “purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States.”

    “If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution.” he said.

    Thomas added that “a private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”


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