Debate Advice For Trump

Let Biden be Biden.

[Friday update, back from Sedona]

Well, Biden was Biden. And even the media can’t cover for him any more.

I should add that I had no problem with Trump not responding to the questions on the two-state solution, or how he was going to deport millions. These “debates” are never debates, and always a joke in that regard. And I wish I could be one of Biden’s many trillionaires. It’s kind of hilarious the way he can’t distinguish between thousands, millions, billions, and trillions. Like most of the idiots who voted for him.


[Update a while later]

They knew.

This election should be a blowout, regardless of whether they replace him or not. I think that at long last, we the people are tired of being lied to by these “elite” anal orifices.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Trump indicted for murdering an elderly man on CNN.

27 thoughts on “Debate Advice For Trump”

  1. I think the bar for a Biden win in this debate is very low. If he stays awake, doesn’t wander off, and doesn’t soil himself, he’ll be declared the winner.

  2. Most of the advice for Trump that I’ve seen can be boiled down to being the “Jose Ferrer Gambit”. That is, to somehow trigger a Captain Queeg moment where he explains, through geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the icebox DID exist. The trick for Trump will be to figure out what Biden’s strawberries are.

  3. Must take a shot of whiskey every time Biden uses the words “felon” or “convicted”.

    At the end, I might not be able to tell who the winner was, but I’ll be having a good time watching it…

  4. The debate is structured so that Biden won’t show his infermities. The moderators won’t let Biden speak at length. Questions and answers will be scripted, just like the press conferences.

    1. The Wall Street Journal is becoming The Atlantic.

      In an article summarizing the 2020 debate experience, the emphasis was on Mr. Trump’s interruptions and Mr. Biden’s snippiness.

      Issues? We don’t cover issues. We don’t need no stinking issues!

      The article goes on to say that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden “acted as moderator” by asking each other questions.

      Gentleman, please, this is a televised debate. We can’t have you asking each other questions.

  5. Well, it wasn’t exactly a Captain Queeg performance, but watching “Dr Jill” gently lead POTUS off the stage reminded me more of Matthew Brady being led away from the courthouse in Inherit the Wind.

    1. “Well, it wasn’t exactly a Captain Queeg performance,..”

      My understanding is that the general consensus (even on CNN and MSNBC) is that he (Biden) badly bungled it; though by tomorrow morning they may have a different take on it. Overall it doesn’t look like it went well for Biden.

      1. Today, they are running a video of Biden reading off a teleprompter and saying this is the real Biden, not the pretender you saw last night

    1. They had to wait until the primary was over otherwise Democrats would get to select their own candidate and they can’t have that when Democracy is at stake

  6. I’m really stunded that the Democrat party agreed to the debate at all. The thinking must have been something like, yes it will be bad, but people will forget and we’ll recover. Bad Plan.

    1. The story I heard is that the most unfavorable debate rules one could imagine were offered to Mr. Trump, and the calculation was that he would back out of this debate to choruses of calling him “chicken.”

      Mr. Trump agreeing to this debate format was a calculation that things would not go well for Mr. Biden, even with the ground rules arranged in his favor. Mr. Trump chose, wisely.

      As to the complaints that Mr. Trump stooped to Mr. Biden’s level by engaging in bickering “Instead of talking about ‘the issues'”, famously, no one remembers the “issues” discussed in the Nixon-Kennedy debate, although one of them was Mr. Nixon speaking seriously to ungoing military skirmishes between China and Taiwan.

      The only thing people remembered was Mr. Kennedy looking fit, tanned and rested, although his bronzed complection may have been a side-effect of his very serious illness with Addison’s Disease affecting his adrenal glands, and Mr. Nixon looking like a ghoul on account of being in pain for having hurt his leg and on account of Max Factor Lazy Shave makeup having been pancaked on his face, failing a disguising his “5 o’clock shadow.”

    2. Gives them a reason to toss Biden out and replace him at the convention. Why Democrats support a party that rigs their own primary, ditches the candidate, and replaces him by decision of party bosses not voters is a mystery but they are authoritarians so…

      None of them even care that whoever is running the country is someone that no one voted for. Defenders of Democracy my…

  7. “This election should be a blowout, regardless of whether they replace him or not. I think that at long last, we the people are tired of being lied to by these “elite” anal orifices.”

    They aren’t tired yet. Biden’s dementia is why they can’t vote for Trump, a felon! They lack self awareness of the games their own party plays against them. They will reward the DNC as long as whatever deceitful scheme they have is carried out with a careful attention to craft

    Has anyone seen any Democrats upset with their own party or any drop in support? Nearly all the reactions I have seen double down either on Biden or the party itself.

  8. “Democrats are talking about replacing Joe Biden. That wouldn’t be so easy. Democratic Party rules make it almost impossible to replace nominees without their consent, let alone smoothly substitute in someone else.”

    I have no sympathy for the democrats; they willfully concealed what they knew to be a cognitively/physically challenged candidate (with the complicity of a large swath of the media) from the American people. Basically this is the greatest (attempted) fraud in American history. I hope/pray for a massive electoral bloodbath come this fall. One caveat; if there was ever a good chance judge merchan on July 11th wouldn’t sentence Trump to prison this had effectively killed it. The only way they can stop Trump now from winning POTUS is to jail (possibly engineered assassination) him.

  9. Friday night, 0bama weighed in to gaslight everyone that POTATUS actually did well, and apparently Saturday morning, the MSM is starting to agree with him.

  10. “…0bama weighed in to gaslight everyone that POTATUS actually did well, and apparently Saturday morning, the MSM is starting to agree with him.”

    Well they’ve already said he had a cold (to explain his cough/behavior) so all they’d have to do is sneak in some reference to he was on anti-histamines or some such and he just had a bad reaction to them.

    1. The word I heard is that family members are begging Mr. Biden to “stay in the race”, with a certain Hunter Biden most urgent in his pleading.

      Could Mr. Trump, “for the good of the country”, of course, announce that if elected, he will champion gun rights, and on Day 1, he will pardon Hunter Biden on 2nd Amendment grounds.

      1. “The word I heard is that family members are begging Mr. Biden to “stay in the race”, with a certain Hunter Biden most urgent in his pleading.”

        Maybe; but whether he stays in the race or not he is still POTUS and has the option of pardoning hunter Biden and or all the other Biden’s until next president is sworn in January ’25.

    1. Is this a Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton moment?

      It was the party activist/donors who forced Mr. Eagleton off the ticket. My source that this was going on while it was happening was Mom, who was a friend of a prominent activist/donor in our community and told me this was taking place.

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