3 thoughts on “We’re All Soviets Now”

  1. Fauci was up on Colbert last night, dishing his proprietary definition of gain-of-function research. No mention of the fact that ECOHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Dasak, whom Fauci had provided grants to for work at the WIV, has been disbarred from NIH funding due to lack of transparency. To wit I say, No kidding…

    Caught it whilst channel surfing. Nice piece of propaganda dressed up as entertainment.

  2. The 537 elected federal politicians in DC are the Hollywood government. The real government is composed of the hundreds of thousands of employees of the seemingly endless list of departments, bureaus, agencies, etc. They are unelected, unaccountable, and untouchable.

  3. From the updated article:

    “People are not hardwired to be centralized and herded.”

    Unfortunately all too many are natural born feudal serfs.
    They seek a tolerable master who tells them what to do, provides what they need and allows them to grumble about their circumstances. Get off their behinds to improve their circumstances – not so much.

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