J. D. Vance

An interesting interview by Ross Douthat. I do think it provides useful insight into Trump.

[Update Monday afternoon]

Here is the Brit Hum post where I found the link, that allowed me to read the interview:


30 thoughts on “J. D. Vance”

    1. Huh. Interesting. Running Brave on my iPhone it was behind a paywall. Running Mozilla on the laptop and it reads just fine. Go figure…

  1. I pasted the link but the post doesn’t show up
    search waybackmachine and paste the nyt link into the search. Snap shot 6-15 shows you the entire article. Rand, you should post the link.

  2. Just FYI, another data point re: paywall, I clicked on the link in this post using Safari on MacOS Sonoma (14.5) and read the whole article, no paywall.

  3. Having read the article, it’s hard to know where the Left as Douthat pigeon holes J.D. Vance.

    I guess they tolerate him because he’s a bona fide Ivy League member (JD Yale) that speaks Deplorable and can interpret for them.

    1. And what is Hume up to linking to the NYT?

      And for that matter, what business is it of MINE to be READING let along critiquing an article from the NYT???

      We are all suspect at this point…. 😀

  4. Still no joy on free access to the article, but my first failure spurred me to do some research on Senator Vance. I read Hillbilly Elegy when it came out but wasn’t able to discern his true political philosophy from that. Now, after watching JD on YouTube and reading articles he’s written, I’m somewhat impressed by the guy. I think he’d make a good VP candidate.

    1. Thanks Rick, that did the trick. I’m an old fart, and while I used to design commodity memory chips, I’m not as conversant with tech as I used to be.

      1. No problem. The way I see it, you’re one of today’s 10,000. (You can search that phrase for context.) I learned about this fairly recently myself.

  5. Douthat is pathetic in that he completely ignores Vance’s legitimate point that the 2020 election was never litigated, and the Democrats just said “shut up”.

  6. The opening of Douthat column:

    “In 2016, J.D. Vance’s best-selling memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” made him one of America’s leading interpreters of Trumpism, offering a personal narrative of populism’s origins in working-class disarray.”

    Oh so you and your crowd need an “interpreter” for your fellow “citizen’s” concerns. Maybe this is your problem. Maybe this problem could be solved by eliminating your type of stupid.

    1. ya . we need someone to interpret trump’s sexually assaulting females and justify it because he is famous.. .I would love to see the young daughters of trump supporting fathers .. offer up their daughters as sexual sacrifices to trump the pussy grabber .. .because .. he is famous .. and that fathers would have a bragging point to how special they were because trump chose to sexually assault their daughter.. they could brag about it at mar lago ..

      “hey .. trump groped my daughter .. that means I get to sit by him”

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