8 thoughts on “What Is Hamas Hiding In Rafah?”

  1. I vote for dead hostages, kept as cool as possible in the deepest tunnels (as recently found in part of Rafa).

  2. Opponents to finishing off Hamas have this anti-logical philosophy of overdog vs underdog. In this case, the overdog is Israel and the underdog is Hamas. Yes, Hamas went too far with 10-7. But how quickly leftists revert to their default social justice philosophy of opposing the moral overdog with even the most illogical and selective of reasoning. If the IDF destroys the underdog Hamas then the “oppressor” Israel will be able to continuing to oppress the Palestinians. This is why the opposition becomes greatest the closer the IDF comes to achieving their goal. Ironically (of course) the “peace-loving” leftists, in practice, are trying to ensure that the war-loving Hamas survives. Israel needs to continue ignoring the pressure, secure control of all borders of Gaza, destroy all Hamas brigades, gain full control over all parts of Gaza, patiently hunt down every last member of Hamas, and then, after the fighting dies down and a level of peace is achieved, work with secular Arab governments to deradicalize the Palestinians, establish a secular, technocratic government for Palestine and, maybe, eventually allow them to self-govern.

      1. Indeed. And the West Bank as well. What the world needs is a one-state solution. The “Palestinians” have never done anything to demonstrate they are remotely deserving of their own state.

        This stands in sharp contrast to the Kurds. Until the Kurds have a state of their own, I say the Palestinians should stay well behind them in the waiting line.

        The best place to put the current residents of Gaza and the West Bank, meanwhile, is Syria. The IDF should round them all up at gunpoint, dump them in Syria and let their “Arab brothers” look after them. My rough guess would be that less than 1% of them would still be drawing breath after six months. Thus endeth the “Palestinian problem.”

  3. What is Hamas hiding in Rafah? According to Debbie Glick they’re hiding 50 or so smuggling tunnels under the Egyptian “border wall” via which they get a wide variety of things – some of which have been supplied to Egypt by the U.S. – in return for pecuniary consideration for higher-ups in the famously corrupt Egyptian military and government. Amazing what “aid” will buy these days.

    Our own corrupt POTUS is likely worried that if this story comes out the American public might get the idea he has been turning a blind eye to this situation – perhaps in return for a cut of the proceeds.

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