17 thoughts on “Blue States”

  1. It will be interesting to see if the Democrats who end up enfranchising illegals to vote (via abuse of motor voter registration, etc.) get a comeuppance. Because their “constituents” get fed up with the way D’s are running the country, see that what they are doing is largely in-line with what they were fleeing in the first instance and starting voting massively the other way… You already see this in the legal immigrant community, who have the most to lose in what is happening now.

        1. That’s what’s been happening with Idaho, among others. The Californians who are showing up are more conservative than the locals.

          1. I’m somewhere to the right of Jerry Pournelle and escaped from Californica to Florida three years ago. But Brevard County happily makes ME look like a lefty.

          2. I forget who said it, now, but it was a Red State figure in a radio interview on the subject of Blue State influx. He said that “we welcome them, but with the caveat that they are refugees, not missionaries.”

          3. Roger Simon reports that regarding Tennessee (in “American Refugees”).

            Long-time conservative residents of red states haven’t had to maintain rhetorical purity and could espouse leftward sentiments if they were fashionable, knowing that the general zeitgeist would keep them from manifesting much. But arriving refugees have had to sort out in their own minds why they are fleeing, and are surprised when their adopted neighbors are not as fervent as they are.

      1. You don’t seem to making a similar presumption about people arriving from Latin America.

        1. Of course not. They’re going to vote for the people whom they perceived invited them in against the law. They tell us that when they come in.

      2. Wait, I thought Californians were ‘ruining’ places like Texas because they were ‘bringing their ridiculous ideas and ideals that they formed in California with them’?

        Which is it?

        1. I can’t speak about Texas, but I lived in Colorado for 27 years and witnessed what Californians did there. It’s now a shithole state.

          1. I have heard that about Colorado. My guess is that their influx of population largely predated the current polarization, so much more of it was people who were moving for economic reasons rather than political ones, but who had not had to articulate in their own minds why the economic reasons happened. In this sense they were rather more like the immigrants from Latin America.

            But what do I know? Maybe Colorado was just unlucky.

      3. Given how Colorado went purple as well as other states I think that presumption is suspect.

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