“Unlawful Means”

…and jury instructions.

This court would be an embarrassment to kangaroos.

[Late-afternoon update]

Well, we knew the fix was in.

As I just noted on X, “I am not now, and have never been a fan of Donald Trump. But in this lawless travesty of a “trial,” the Democrats just guaranteed he’ll get my vote.

I should add that, as a WY voter, I probably would have sat it out, but now I’ll vote for Trump just to boost his popular vote, since these felons against the Republic seem to make such a big deal about that.”

And in fact the kangaroos are upset.

[Friday-morning update]

John Hinderaker compares Trump’s trial to mine.

I think that Texas should charge Mayorkas and Biden with aiding and abetting child and drug trafficking.

[Update a while later]

These corrupt anal orifices probably just handed Trump the election.

[Update a while more later]

Welcome to Venezuelamerica.

35 thoughts on ““Unlawful Means””

  1. You need not be unanimous about the necessary secondary crime (of which the prosecution did not provide any evidence thereof) in order to convict.

    Really? Not only have we novel prosecution, we have novel legal theory presented as jury instruction. Hmph. And here I though laws were drafted and approved by legislatures? How 18th Century of me….

    Guilty beyond reason…

  2. NY State will need to figure out how to expand a prison cell to house the Secret Service and the Warrant Officer with the football. The Situation Cell?

    1. As the crisis in the Middle-East continues to deteriorate, President Trump summoned the Joint Chiefs and his national security team to Cell-Block D at the Attica Correctional Facility in NY today to discuss the situation.

      Actually, now that I think about it, this could save us a lot of time and money putting other politicians into their natural retirement housing. I have long referred to the Gubernatorial Suite at the Joliet Correctional Center for former governors of Illinois. This just seems like a natural extension of that…

  3. I should add that, as a WY voter, I probably would have sat it out,
    You are a Wyoming voter? I thought your residence was in deep blue California?

    1. I thought your residence was in deep blue California?

      Pretty sure his principal residence is California, along with Colorado vacation home , but he got an office/po box in Wyoming. He just another right wing nut committing voting fraud, that I see them all claim is rampant to Democrat benefit. Or maybe it is some light tax evasion.

      Funny how much caterwauling about “going after political rival”, for a person who encouraged his fans to chant “Lock him/her up”. But sure go vote for him cause, “locking him up” is beyond the pale.

      All I can say is we do not need a reckless president who thinks he is above the law.

      1. “…we do not need a reckless president who thinks he is above the law.”

        You mean like the guy who defies the Supreme Court to get votes from rich kids by pawning off their stupid college loans on working-class kids, and brags about it?

      2. “All I can say is we do not need a reckless president who thinks he is above the law.”

        We have one and he was deemed too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

  4. NewsMin – In a historic moment for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion US voters will have the opportunity to actually vote for a convicted felon and potential prison inmate for President. Those serving prison sentences, many for years having been disenfranchised from the vote or holding public office, depending upon the state they live in, finally see some hope for social justice at the national level in the example set by NY State today.

  5. Kangaroos never forced trump to have sex with a porn star and then lie about it on financial forms …. there is only one person to blame for all of trump’s troubles..

    an old man who couldn’t keep it in his pants… and the fact his wife and daughter never once came to the court room and sit in on the trial speaks volumes.

    Trump has been sexually assaulting women for 50 years and has been paying them off…. the PERFECT “family values” . “CONservative” republican on the magas can get behind. They can offer of their daughters to trump so he can grab them buy the … I am sure your daughters woudn’t say anything because he is famous.

      1. Yes he did .. 34 of them .. all he had to do was call witnesses like Shiller to say Stormy Daniels was not there . he could have called whiselberg to say the the payments were not made ..

        It is hilarious that you can’t see how he falsified business records .. hell in a 2016 financial statement he filed for the election he STATED that the payment to Cohen was a reimburisment.

        all you have to do is search online and the documents are now there.

        sheesh .. prosecution laid it out step by step .. brain dead maga

        1. “It is hilarious that you can’t see how he falsified business records .. hell in a 2016 financial statement he filed for the election he STATED that the payment to Cohen was a reimburisment.”

          The “crime” wasn’t the reimbursements themselves it was how they were recorded; as “legal fees” rather than “campaign expenses” per Trump’s accountant who testified that Trump didn’t tell him to record it as such he did it on his own judgement.

        2. The judge wouldn’t let the former head of the FEC testify that Trump didn’t break campaign finance regulations.

          The trial was as rigged as a Democrat primary.

          Despite your hate for Trump, you should be upset to see your party turn into the USSR.

        3. Where is Trump’s time machine, that a payment made in 2017 somehow influences an election the year before?

    1. Democrats got the jackass as a mascot for false attacks of sexual abuse and they continue making these false accusations while being moral degenerates themselves. The attack against Republicans is hypocrisy, not that Democrats are a moral alternative. We have all seen how Democrats treat women.

      Hillary didn’t declare to the FEC that her campaign paid for the Russian Collusion hoax and that caused a lot of damage to the country. Many Democrats still believe Trump was a Russian agent, even though Obama spied on Trump and the IC and DOJ knew the entire time the accusations were false.

      Hillary wasn’t arrested, her campaign was fined a teeny tiny amount of money


    2. Do you have any evidence that Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels other than your desire to believe whatever a porn star tells you? Please cite the evidence.

  6. I believe that Trump was railroaded as does Alan Dershowitz. Furthermore I think merchan will yield to the social/political/personal pressure and sentence Trump to prison on sentencing on July 11th ’24. Among the many egregious miscarriages is allowing the prosecution to truncate one act (the record(s) of the reimbursement) into 34 separate counts. Each count up to 4yrs in prison each maximum sentence.

      1. How long do you suppose Merchan will survive? Not saying I want what I can so clearly foresee.

  7. I also wonder whether the now felony conviction can be used to remove Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot in some states?

    1. He would lose the franchise and ability to hold local office in any number of states, but to my knowledge the Constitution does not bar felons from running for nor holding the office of President, and most state ballot access laws for President only apply to the Primary, while the General election ballots are filled by nomination convention for the two major parties.

  8. Bragg is suggesting that what he did to Trump is analogous to Thomas Dewey back in the ’30’s going after organized crime using tax/finance/accounting law violations (like Al Capone was jailed for). This is clearly IMHO designed to setup Bragg’s asking of Merchan to insist on jail time, and lots of it. In this case we are “saving democracy” from the “racketeer” Trump; the only way then to do that is to insist he be jailed. After all he could still win in spite of this verdict. So we have 34 separate “counts” each with a maximum possible sentence of four years each. (I read somewhere that for this type of crime the maximum total allowed sentence is 20 years; but don’t hold me to that.)

  9. I’ve never given a dime to any politician. Giving politicians money is like feeding a stray puppy. You just know it will keep coming back for more.

    That’s about to change, big time.

  10. It’s time for ambitious prosecutors in states like Wyoming, Idaho, Alabama or Florida to start issuing similar indictments to current and former government officials. Democrats in New York have shown the way it should be done.

    “This is the way they want it, this is the way they get it.”

    1. “This is the way they want it, this is the way they get it.”

      Which is another reason I think Alvin Bragg will insist on jail time to judge merchan and he will go along with it. They both know that if Trump gets elected president he will come after them with the Justice department and or special counsel. You’re looking at federal election interference at the least and a potential boat load of other charges.

      1. if Trump gets elected president he will come after them with the Justice department and or special counsel.

        So what? You’re just whistling through your hat if you think a NY/DC Jury will convict.

        You think it’s possible to move the venue to Miami? Good luck with that.

          1. Seven words: Federal District Court Of Southern New York. Same jury pool, different building. Big deal.

      2. “Seven words: Federal District Court Of Southern New York. Same jury pool, different building. ”

        Don’t know how much clout a (hypothetical) Trump administration DOJ would have to make sure a more fair/balanced judge would be selected as well as either a change of venue (if possible) or a more balanced jury selection process. In any case the massive investigation(s) into the obvious collaboration in setting up the multiple show trials would be finally exposed; federal subpoenas (as well as congressional ones) actually backed up by the power to arrest/convict etc. by the DOJ.

        1. So you’re of the process punishment position. It’s not an invalid point. And might be more valuable than any conviction for what it could expose during a trial.

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